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[构建工具] bem-app

The BEM Internal Application is an idea from one of my college friends. This application is built using the PHP Programming Language as a Back-End/API creation for the data stream and uses the Flutter Framework for its Mobile Application. The following features are included in the application: - List of BEM member data - Schedule of internal (2022-07-25, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] best_pizza-Firebase_Flutter

Book your pizza live. App made with Flutter using Dart programming language. Flutter is a Cross-Platform Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop Apps Development Framework. The apps created with this tool are of high quality and with native experience at 60 frames per second. In this App, you can register and book pizza. Everyone who is registered can (2021-01-07, Dart, 3669KB, 下载0次)
