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按分类查找All 游戏引擎(11) 
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[游戏引擎] 实时碰撞检测算法技术

本书将带领读者从头开始制作一门语言的编译器。笔者特意为本书设计了CЬ语言,CЬ可以说是C语言的子集,实现了包括指针运算等在内的C语言的主要部分。本书所实现的编译器就是C Ь语言的编译器, 是实实在在的编译器,而非有诸多限制的玩具。另外,除编译器之外,本书对以编译器为中心的编程语言的运行环境,即编译器、汇编器、链接器、硬件、运行时环境等都有所提及,介绍了程序运行的所有环节。
This book will lead readers to make a language compiler from scratch. The author specially designed the C language for this book, which can be said to be a subset of C language and realizes the main part of C language including pointer operation. The compiler implemented in this book is the compiler of C language. It is a real compiler, not a toy with many restrictions. In addition, in addition to the compiler, this book has mentioned the running environment of the compiler centered programming language, that is, compiler, assembler, linker, hardware, runtime environment, etc., and introduced all aspects of program running. (2021-01-04, C/C++, 42845KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] 图形图像编程精粹 1 (英文版)

This is a classic book that introduce computer graphics.Although be written long years ago,it can also bring you an enlightenment. (2019-08-07, C/C++, 5263KB, 下载2次)


[游戏引擎] 《direcX游戏编程》光盘源代码

Source code of book <<DirectX Game Programming>>.If open the Solution with high version of Visual Studio,remember to relocate the destination of solution. (2019-08-07, C/C++, 24455KB, 下载5次)


[游戏引擎] Articles

All Articles in tricks of the 3d game programming gurus (2013-09-15, C/C++, 15488KB, 下载7次)


[游戏引擎] AnaEngine

AnaEngine Game Engine (2012-02-19, C/C++, 13619KB, 下载29次)


[游戏引擎] 3DGamesResourceStudy

本书是指导您进行3D游戏开发的全面指南。本书提供了3D游戏开发的工具,您使用这些工具可以开发非常优秀的游戏,如第一人称射击游戏、冒险游戏、角色扮演游戏、战略游戏,以及体育游戏等。本书循序渐进地揭示了建立一个全功能的游戏所需的每个步骤,重点介绍了3D游戏的元素、编程概念、Torque Engine、建模、纹理、以及音效和音乐。学习完本书就可以使您梦想成真——成为一名非常优秀的游戏开发人员。
This book is guiding you to 3 D games comprehensive guide to development. This book offers 3 D game development tools, you use these tools can develop very good games, such as the first person shooter game, adventure game, role playing game, strategy game, and sports games. Book reveals the gradually establish a full-featured games require each step, focusing on the 3 D game elements, programming concepts, search, the modeling, foot texture, and sound effects and music. After studying the book, you can make your dreams come true-make a very good game developers. (2011-09-08, C/C++, 2580KB, 下载16次)


[游戏引擎] openra

Open source, Red Alert, download from the svn, modified, making the compilation pass. Although there are bug, but turned out to be unix, and now into the windows sdl' s really not easy. (2011-01-03, C/C++, 499KB, 下载31次)


[游戏引擎] cbook_tygp24_code

c++ game programming source code, including the common engine and chapter code (2010-09-05, C/C++, 29473KB, 下载1次)


[游戏引擎] Introduction_to_3D_Game_Programming_with_DirectX_9

directx9 编程基础 包含空间向量 各种变换 材质 着色器
directx9 编程基础 包含空间向量 各种变换 材质 着色器 (2009-12-27, C/C++, 4262KB, 下载5次)


[游戏引擎] C_And_Directx

看起来我在做发明车轮的浪费时间的事--windows已经有一套非常复杂功能完善的GUI.不幸的是windows的GUI适用于办公软件,而这通常不适合游戏软件.游戏一般需要比windows更精确的控制(例如,使用自己的GUI实现用alpha混合创造的部分透明的窗口比较容易,而使用windows的GUI则几乎做不到). 这篇文章将讲述如何使用C++和DirectX来创建自己的GUI.文章分为几部分,每部分涉及一个特定的GUI编程主题.这并不需要按顺序阅读,所以你可以从你需要的部分开始. 这里我假设读者有以下的背景知识:事件驱动的编程原理 对PDL和C++的熟练掌握.我使用C++来建立我的GUI系统,因为我是C++爱好者俱乐部的持卡会员,并且C++的OOP很适用于windows编程和控制方式. 让我们从定义工作范围开始.应该认识到我们不是要设计windows95,我们只是想要为一个游戏开发一套简单的GUI.所以我们不用实现每一个简单控制和GUI结构.我们只需要几个部分而已:一个鼠标指针,一个普通窗口,一些在窗口中的对话框控制.我们也需要一个资源编辑器--一个允许我们在图形环境中使用拖动控制来设计对话框. 从基础开始:渲染循环
I invented the wheel seemed a waste of time to do things- windows already has a very complex functional of the GUI. Unfortunately, the windows of the GUI for office software, which is usually not suitable for game software. Games generally require more than windows precise control (for example, to use their own GUI to achieve with the alpha part of the mix to create a transparent window for easier use of windows of the GUI is almost impossible). This article describes how to use C++ and DirectX to create their own GUI. The article is divided into several parts, each part deals with a specific GUI programming topics. This does not need to in order to read, so you can start from the part you need. Here I assume that the reader have the following background knowledge: an event-driven programming principles of PDL and mastery of C++. I use C++ to build up my GUI system, because I am a C++ fan club membership card, and the C++, OOP is applicable to windows programming and contr (2009-12-27, C/C++, 384KB, 下载12次)


[游戏引擎] AllegroNEW

C 游戏编程开发库 为C游戏编程提供了极大的方便
C game programming library for the C programming games provide a great convenience (2005-01-22, C/C++, 94KB, 下载32次)
