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[行业发展研究] c++典型工控应用编程实例

Typical application systems of industrial control are introduced comprehensively and systematically. For the reference of students majoring in automation and computer application (2019-05-27, C/C++, 51113KB, 下载14次)


[行业发展研究] 1

基于DirectSound的3D虚拟声音技术应用研究.pdf directsound 3d音频编程很好的资料
The DirectSound 3D virtual sound technology application research-based pdf directsound 3d audio programming good (2013-03-04, C/C++, 202KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] MAX125

C language programming C51 Microprocessor MAX125 analog to digital conversion, (2011-05-26, C/C++, 1KB, 下载30次)


[行业发展研究] How-to-Program-in-CPP

“MFC的前言”曾经辉煌一时的编程语言工具开发软件商Borland公司在今年4月份更名为Inprise公司,对于广大忠实的Borland追随者来说,这可不是一个好消息。在Dos编程时代Turbo Pascal,Borland C++是最好的开发工具,Borland公司也曾名列美国五大软件公司之列,可到了Windows时代,微软凭借操作系统的优势终于占了统治地位,Borland的大批人员也跳槽加入了微软(Borland Delphi的主设计师成了Microsoft Visual J++的项目负责人),所以不用奇怪Microsoft的Visual C++汲取了各家技术之长,包括Borland,Phar-lap等著名公司,Visual C++成了Windows时代最流行的商用开发语言。Windows的开发也走向成熟,早期Windows编程只能用C语言,需要一段一段地重复调用复杂的Windows API,写冗长的消息处理Switch语句,现在大部分开发人员都使用C++进行Windows编程,工具开发商也将Windows API和必要的资料封装到一个个C++类库之中,构成所谓“应用程序框架”(Application Framework),开发人员可以使用它更高效地进行编程,这好比登高楼时用上了电梯,而原来只能辛辛苦苦一步一步慢慢爬,现在用电梯可以上得更快,上得更高,上得更轻松。
"MFC introductive" Once flourishing programming language tool developed software vendors Borland company in April this year Renamed Inprise company, for the faithful followers Borland, 2006-it s not Is a good news. Turbo in Dos programming era Borland c++ is best, Pascal Development tools, Borland company also has five software company in the USA, but to the list The Windows era, with the advantage of Microsoft operating system of the dominant, finally The large number of workers also job-hopping Borland Borland Delphi joined Microsoft (the main designer The J++ became Microsoft Visual project principal), so no wonder Microsoft The Visual c++ derive the technology of long, including their Borland Phar lap, the famous- The company, Visual c++ became the most popular Windows era commercial development language. Windows development and maturity, the early Windows programming can only use C language ? (2011-04-23, C/C++, 901KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] C

Present a synthesis programming language to sum up the similarities and differences between the various programming languages (2009-04-15, C/C++, 473KB, 下载5次)
