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[ListView/ListBox] DemoList

本软件的使用vc编程,编写环境为Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0,实现彩色列表框,vc6和vs2005两个版本的例子,编写的类可以直接重复使用.
This software uses VC programming, the writing environment for Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0, to achieve color list box, VC6 and VS2005 two versions of the example, the prepared class can be directly reused (2021-01-28, C/C++, 61KB, 下载0次)


[ListView/ListBox] C_code_picture_ListBox

C编程自画ListBox代码C programming code from the picture ListBox
C programming code from the picture ListBox (2010-08-30, C/C++, 9KB, 下载2次)
