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按平台查找All Classic ASP(11) 

[论文] jelia-planning

Code and Experiments for the paper "Comparing Planning Domain Models using Answer Set Programming", (2023-09-01, Classic ASP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] sketching

Supplementary materials for the Sketched Answer Set Programming paper, (2017-09-12, Classic ASP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] OnlineTest

The project named as “Online Test” is the WebSite ONLINE TEST provides the exam for the Programming Knowledge in different Programming languages like C, Java, etc. (2020-09-05, Classic ASP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] learn-unity3d-programming-w-unityscript

Janine Suvak使用UnityScript学习Unity3D编程的源代码
Source code for Learn Unity3D Programming with UnityScript by Janine Suvak (2017-10-16, Classic ASP, 18073KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] MultiplayerGameProgramming

Example created while discussing the book Multiplayer Game Programming by Glazer and Madhav.. for C#. (2022-06-26, Classic ASP, 8307KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Flying_Bird_game_using_Unity

在本项目中,使用C#编程语言和unity 3d工具
In this project used C# programming language using with unity 3d tool (2019-07-22, Classic ASP, 15117KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Unity_Survival_Game

使用Unity的3D survival shooter教程为3D游戏编程课程开发的生存射击游戏。所有信用...
A survival shooter game developed using Unity s 3D Survival Shooter tutorial for 3D Game Programming class. All credit to Unity Survival Shooter Tutorial (https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/survival-shooter-project) and the Unity Asset Store. (2018-05-24, Classic ASP, 370717KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] Iti-Machine

__Iti Machine__是一个类似于虚拟机的fantsy控制台项目。Iti使用自己的架构和编程语言...
__Iti Machine__ is a project of fantsy console like a virtual machine. Iti uses its own architecture and programming language, KIS. Different from a modern machine, this virtual machine is like old console video games dataset and doesn t have a lot of resourses, like garbage collector or memory manager. Then you have the power about the Iti (2020-05-14, Classic ASP, 32709KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] Minotaur

程序迷宫编辑器,使用3种语言分4部分编程。C++用于生成器,C#用于编辑器,Unity C#f...
Procedural maze editor, programmed in 4 parts using 3 languages. C++ for the generator, C# for the editor, Unity/C# for the renderer, and Python to tie them all together. Runs on Windows, but can most likely be compiled from source on Linux and OS X if you have g++, Mono, Unity, and at least Python 3 installed. (2015-10-20, Classic ASP, 14406KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] emental-answer-set-programming-with-overgrounding

Incremental-answer-set-programming-with-overgrounding,Knowledge Representation; Answer Set Programming; Grounding Logic Programs (2019-05-20, Classic ASP, 8608KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Unity3D_AI_2

《Unity3D人工智能编程精粹》这本书到第二章的工程并包含资源。原书配套只有源码没有工程,也没有资源。 ,
Unity3D_ AI_ 2. The book Essence of Unity3D Artificial Intelligence Programming covers the engineering of Chapter 2 and includes resources. The original book only has source code, no engineering, and no resources, (2017-02-15, Classic ASP, 328239KB, 下载0次)
