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按分类查找All xml/soap/webservice(4) 
按平台查找All Python(4) 

[xml/soap/webservice] SOAP-API-Samples

用各种编程语言编写的Plunet SOAP API的示例,
Samples for the Plunet SOAP API written in various programming languages, (2023-10-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[xml/soap/webservice] cucm-python-soap

cisco cucm serviceability programing (2017-10-01, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[xml/soap/webservice] xmlToWord

xmlToWord程序,定义一套xml描述接口,用户使用xml描述要生成的word文档的格式和内容,程序生成相应的word文档。程序使用python语言实现,通过com调用word编程开发接口,实现word文档自动生成。程序在word 2010上通过测试,其它版本在自动生成目录操作时需要对模板文件路径进行修改。
xmlToWord: define a xml interface, user can use xml file to describe the format and content. xmlToWord will generate the corresponding word file. It is implemented in python, and tested with word 2010. (2012-08-23, Python, 3411KB, 下载10次)


[xml/soap/webservice] digester-python

With the realization of a Python source file will be XML objects into the structure of Python converter. Please use the rules written into config.xml file. Avoided the use of the procedure each time to write lengthy read xml file to create the object structure of the process. When using mixed language programming, the program can also be used in C++ project. See http://commons.apache.org/digester/, this programis the Python version of thatproject! (2009-08-12, Python, 118KB, 下载49次)
