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按分类查找All Python工具库(7) 
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[Python工具库] Programming-Books-Collection

Include programming related e-books, including Python, AIGC, front-end, cloud native, etc (2024-07-31, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python工具库] Snake_game

欢迎使用Snake Game存储库!这是一款经典的街机游戏,蛇在躲避障碍物的同时,通过栅格收集食物。游戏是使用Python编程语言构建的,设计为易于玩和有趣的掌握。
Welcome to the Snake Game repository! This is a classic arcade game where a snake navigates a grid to collect food while avoiding obstacles. The game is built using Python programming language and is designed to be easy to play and fun to master. (2024-07-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python工具库] Python-Libraries_Programming

Python Libraries Programming (2024-02-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python工具库] Python-Libraries

Introduction: Python is a powerful programming language with numerous libraries that can make your coding journey smoother. In this blog post, we ll explore 15 Python libraries that can enhance your development process and bring efficiency to your projects. (2024-02-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python工具库] python-standard-library-explore

Explore and learn about the diverse functionalities of the Python Standard Library. This repository contains a collection of demos, examples, and utilities showcasing the usage of various modules and packages available in the Python Standard Library. Dive into the rich ecosystem of built-in modules to enhance your Python programming skills. (2024-02-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python工具库] code-library

code-library, 编程资源库:视频、教程、项目......
Code library, programming resource library: videos, tutorials, projects (2022-05-18, Others, 16KB, 下载0次)


[Python工具库] Firebook-Library

Firebook-Library,这是程序员值得拥有的一个仓库,里边包含了种类非常全的编程电子书PDF,比如 Java 、C++ 、Python ... ,Redis , Node.js , Vue.js , 大数据, Linux,Docker, Nginx, HTM...
Firebook Library, which is a repository worth owning for programmers, contains a wide range of programming e-book PDFs, such as Java, C++, Python, Redis, Node.js, Vue.js, big data, Linux, Docker, Nginx, HTM (2022-06-06, Others, 616KB, 下载0次)
