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[TypeScript编程] IAT167GameOne

用P5.js(JavaScript库)制作的简单2D游戏。为IAT 167(游戏设计和编程)制作。Mario主题,以钉子和鬼魂为敌人,并为各种元素定制图案。使用OOP和模块化设计易于修改和可读的干净代码。
A simple 2D game made with P5.js, a JavaScript library. Made for IAT 167(Game Design and Programming). Mario theme with spikes and ghosts as enemies and custom graphics for various elements. Used OOP and modularization to design clean code that is easily changeable and readable. (2024-03-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TypeScript编程] online-exps

Unleash the full potential of JavaScript and supercharge your web experiments with this library for experimental programming - based on jsPsych - work in progress! ?? (2023-08-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
