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[游戏引擎] Game_design_and_develop

游戏的设计与开发——梦开始的地方 作者:叶丁 叶展 本书共计六篇二十二章,其中基础篇阐述了基本游戏理论和游戏性等问题;设计篇列出几个游戏设计方面的专题;美工篇集中介绍了二维和三维美工和动画技术;编程篇主要围绕三维图形和人工智能展开;管理篇则探讨软件工程在游戏开发中的应用;最后以教育篇来总结全书
Game Design and Development- the beginning of the dream Author: Ye Ting book exhibition Total 22 Chapter 6, in which articles on the basis of the basic game theory and games of other issues design articles listed several aspects of game design topics art articles focused on two-dimensional and three-dimensional art and animation techniques programming articles focus on three-dimensional graphics and artificial intelligence carried out management chapter is to explore software engineering in the game development application Finally, to sum up the book chapter Education (2008-06-03, MultiPlatform, 20815KB, 下载36次)
