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按平台查找All C++(11) 

[软件工程] 均方根

Find the root mean square (2018-08-13, C++, 7KB, 下载12次)


[软件工程] Practical-CPP-Programming

A Practical C++ reference book, which introduces advanced program concepts. (2015-05-27, C++, 2412KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] cPP

c++ programming examples 100 cases for the novice to use and learn (2014-01-18, C++, 40KB, 下载4次)


[软件工程] lianxi2

C++练习程序 对于提高你的C++编程能力相当有用的 千万不要错过哦
C++ exercise program for improving your programming skills very useful C++ Do not miss (2013-09-20, C++, 1992KB, 下载2次)


[软件工程] Practical-CPP-programming-daqo

Practical C++ programming Daquan, there are a lot of source code and text for learning (2012-05-09, C++, 10585KB, 下载7次)


[软件工程] 2

我把反省后的心得体会写成文章放在网上传阅,引起了不少软件开发人员的共鸣。 我因此有幸和国产大型IT 企业如华为、上海贝尔、中兴等公司的同志们广泛交流。大家 认为提高质量与生产率是软件工程要解决的核心问题。高质量程序设计是非常重要的环 节,毕竟软件是靠编程来实现的。 我们心目中的老手们和高手们能否编写出高质量的程序来? 不见得都能!
I had learned self-examination after the written articles circulated on the Internet has caused a lot of software developers resonance. I therefore have the honor and domestic large-scale IT enterprises such as Huawei, Shanghai Bell, ZTE and other comrades of the company' s wide-ranging exchanges. We believe that improving the quality and productivity of software engineering to solve the core problem. High-quality programming is a very important part, after all, software is achieved through programming. Veterans in our minds and masters who were able to write high-quality programs come from? May not be able to! (2009-12-30, C++, 591KB, 下载17次)


[软件工程] 211

c语言的编程风格 课件 东软内部资料!!
c language programming style courseware Neusoft internal information (2009-12-29, C++, 7KB, 下载24次)


[软件工程] C

C++高级编程 讲学课件 东软的内部资料!
C++ Advanced Programming Courseware lectures Neusoft' s internal information! (2009-12-29, C++, 117KB, 下载50次)


[软件工程] VC280mm

The book is for people who like C++ programming,it is very interesting。 (2009-10-05, C++, 7687KB, 下载6次)


[软件工程] 软 件 工 程 思 想

:软件开发过程中的坎坎坷坷,仿佛只是人脸的凹凸不平,用热水毛巾一把就可抹平。让我们高举程序主义、软件工程思想的伟大旗帜,紧密团结在以Microsoft为核心的软件公司周围,沿着比尔• 盖茨的生财之道,不分白天黑夜地编程,把建设有中国特色的软件产业的伟大事业全面推向21世纪。
: software development process of Bumpy Road, as if the face is rugged, a towel with hot water can be smoothed. Let us hold high the procedures, and software engineering thinking of the great banner to unite closely to the core of Microsoft software companies around, along Bill# 8226; Gates's wealth Road, night and day programming, building with Chinese characteristics of the software industry in the great cause to the 21st century . (2005-05-18, C++, 1043KB, 下载507次)


[软件工程] 编程风格

a good C programming model design manual to guide you to system architecture design. Along with a brief example of the code. (2005-03-27, C++, 1241KB, 下载78次)
