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[xml/soap/webservice] XMLPDOM

XML language used in c++ platform for some help on the programming code, very good (2011-04-30, C++, 110KB, 下载4次)


[xml/soap/webservice] xerces-c-3.1.1.tar

Xerces-C++是一个非常健壮的 XML 解析器,其提供的两种解析XML文档的方法,DOM和SAX。SAX是一个面向事件的编程API.一个解析引擎消耗XML序列数据,并在发现进来的XML数据的结构时回调应用程序,这些回调称为事件句柄.与SAX不同,它允许对XML文档进行编辑并保存为一个文件或者流,还允许以编程的方式构建一个XML文档.DOM提供了一个内存中的模型,你可以遍历文档树,删除节点或者嫁接新节点.与解析的SAX事件不同,DOM事件反映出用户与文档的互动以及使用文档的改变.总的来说,SAX是按行遍历XML文档的,而DOM是先把XML文档生成树,然后遍历DOM树,来解析每个节点.
C++ is a very Xerces- healthy XML parser, it provides two analytic method of XML document, DOM and interesting. Interesting is an object-oriented programming API. An event sequence analysis engine consumes XML data, and found in the XML data structure and callback applications of these callback called event handler is different, with interesting. It allows for an XML document to edit and keep a file or flow, but also allows to programming build an XML document. DOM provides a memory of the models, you can traverse document tree, delete the node or grafting new nodes. And analytical interesting events, DOM events reflects different user interaction with the document and the use of the document. Generally speaking, interesting is according to the east, and alex XML document DOM is an XML document, then traverse spanning tree, DOM tree analysis each node. (2010-07-30, C++, 4933KB, 下载30次)
