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按平台查找All ASP.NET(13) 

[ASP/.NET编程] ContactUs

Responsive contact page with event-driven programming in ASP.NET using web forms (2024-06-05, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ea_Dinosaurio-La-aventura-de-las-Monedas-Perdidas

PMDM B UF2 Trillo P rez Nerea恐龙La aventura de las Monedas Perdidas
PMDM B UF2 Trillo P rez Nerea Dinosaurio La aventura de las Monedas Perdidas (2024-05-07, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] College-Management-System

这是对使用ASP。NET和C#编程语言。系统设计为仅由具有存储在管理数据库中的有效凭据的管理员访问。成功登录后,管理员将被定向到Admin Home(管理主页)页面,他们可以在其中访问各种模块并执行
This is a description of a College Management System developed using ASP.NET and C# programming languages. The system is designed to be accessed only by administrators who have valid credentials stored in the Admin Database. Upon successful login, the administrator is directed to the Admin Home page where they can access various modules and perform (2024-04-15, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] School-Management-System-ASP-Website

项目标题:学校管理系统网站ASP.net with Visual Basic.net和SQL Server项目类型:网站应用程序技术:ASP.net Website with Visual Base.net编程语言(Visual Studio 2013)前端:HTML、CSS、JavaScript。后端:Visual Basic.net、ASP.net。数据库:SQL Server 2014语言:阿拉伯语
Project Title : School Management System Website ASP.net with Visual Basic .net and SQL Server Project Type : Website application Technology : ASP.net Website With Visual Basic .net Programming Language (Visual Studio 2013) Front-end : HTML, CSS, JavaScript . Back-end : Visual Basic .net, ASP.net . Database : SQL Server 2014 Language : Arabic (2024-04-07, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] ASP

Car tracking system I made using ASP.NET programming language. (2024-03-08, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] News-ASP-Wbsite-CSharp

项目标题:新闻网站ASP.net具有Visual CSharp和SQL Server的网站项目类型:网站应用程序技术:具有Visual CSharp编程语言的ASP.net网站(Visual Studio 2013)前端:HTML、CSS、JavaScript。后端:C#,ASP.net。数据库:SQL Server 2014语言:阿拉伯语
Project Title : News Wbsite ASP.net Wbsite with Visual CSharp and SQL Server Project Type : Website application Technology : ASP.net Website With Visual CSharp Programming Language (Visual Studio 2013) Front-end : HTML, CSS, JavaScript . Back-end : C#, ASP.net . Database : SQL Server 2014 Language : Arabic (2024-02-22, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] Bank-Management-System-ASP-Wbsite-CSharp

项目名称:具有Visual CSharp和SQL Server的银行管理系统ASP.net网站项目类型:银行技术的网站应用程序系统:具有Visual CS harp编程语言的ASP.net Web站点(Visual Studio 2013)数据库:SQL Server 2014语言:阿拉伯语
Project Title : Bank Management System ASP.net Wbsite with Visual CSharp and SQL Server Project Type : Website application system for Banking Technology : ASP.net Website With Visual CSharp Programming Language (Visual Studio 2013) Database : SQL Server 2014 Language : Arabic (2024-02-18, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] Mario-Copy

I created a game inspired by Mario in just one week. It captures the essence of the iconic franchise with a mix of programming and creativity. (2024-01-01, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] WebShells

This GitHub repository contains shell examples suitable for different programming languages. It includes code samples that enable reverse shell connections in the respective languages. (2023-12-23, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] Clothes-shop

Blue Gravity工作室的编程任务
Programming task for Blue Gravity Studios (2023-11-03, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[超算/并行计算] Parallel-programming-game

Parallel programming game,, (2022-06-15, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] SurvivalShooter-Unity3D

Tugas Chapter 7 Game Programming DILo Academy-Agate Studi Independen (2021-10-04, ASP.NET, 134740KB, 下载0次)


[论文] gy

Java公寓管理系统 2022年毕业设计资料,计算机毕业设计,源码,毕业论文,毕业答辩,答辩PPT,Java毕业设计,php毕业设计,ASP.NET毕业设计,毕业指导,计算机作业,php作业,java作业,ASP.NET作业,编程作业...
Java Apartment Management System 2022 graduation design materials, computer graduation design, source code, graduation thesis, graduation defense, defense PPT, Java graduation design, PHP graduation design, ASP. NET graduation design, graduation guidance, computer homework, PHP homework, Java homework, ASP. NET homework, programming homework (2021-11-27, ASP.NET, 88KB, 下载0次)
