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[百货/超市行业] The-supermarket-management-system

分析了超市业务及库存的基本流程,利用PowerDesigner画出了数据库的概念数据模型(CDM)模型,在SQL Server 2005上创建了数据库,用c#编程实现了超市库存管理系统,该系统具有人员和商品信息的添加、删除、查找、修改和显示等功能。
Analysis of the supermarket business and inventory processes, using PowerDesigner to draw a the database conceptual data model (CDM) model, created on the SQL Server 2005 database, c# programming supermarket inventory management system, the system of people and goods information to add, delete, search, modify and display. (2012-12-18, SQL, 8048KB, 下载11次)


[百货/超市行业] CrystalReportTest

大型超市管理系统,帮你轻松学习sql server编程
Management system for large supermarkets to help you easily learn sql server programming (2009-06-05, SQL, 218KB, 下载41次)
