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[文件格式] SeverAndSocket

程序的编写采用流行的网络编程语言 JAVA编写 编辑环境为Eclipse。 源工程已经打包好在“服务器-客户端-工程”文件夹内。(可执行文挡) 默认的服务器测试文件是放在“D:/Test.rar”如没有,请在D创建文件Test.rar 服务器默认的IP为本地机器(localhost),默认的端口号为:8001(请在客户端填写的时候注意)
Procedures for the preparation of the popular web programming language JAVA write editing environment for Eclipse. Fortunately, the source project has packaged " server- the client- Project" folder. (Executable text block) the default test files are placed on the server " D:/Test.rar" If not, please D to create a file Test.rar server, the default IP for the local machine (localhost), the default port number is : 8001 (please fill in the client when the attention) (2009-12-07, JavaScript, 19KB, 下载3次)
