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[构建工具] twilio-aspnet

Integrate Twilio Programmable Messaging and Voice with ASP.NET Respond to webhooks with TwiML in seconds (2023-05-11, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] Summer2022-MoodPlus

使用对编程和scrum敏捷方法来创建asp-net MVC应用程序。我们实现了webpack,Identi...
Used pair-programming and scrum-agile methodology to create a asp net MVC application. We implemented webpack, Identity, Entity-Framework, Database, API and multiple programming languages. We created a virtual mood tracking journal to help a user visually see their moods, habits, thoughts and much more. (2022-08-22, C#, 4957KB, 下载0次)
