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[搜索引擎] DotNetCore-Search-Fight

This project implements a challenge between 2 or more programming languages for knowing which is the most popular according to different Search Engines. (2020-12-23, C#, 45KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Search-Engine-Lead-Finder

搜索引擎Lead Finder是一个用C#编程的工具,用于研究地理地理细分市场,并集成了多个...
Search Engine Lead Finder is a tool programmed in C# that researches geodemographic market segments and integrates multiple RESTful developer APIs to retrieve and parse business profiles in JSON format from Google, Yelp, YellowPages, Facebook, Factual, Sensis, and more to generate 50+ sales leads per minute. (2015-11-26, C#, 75KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] 036347

The search application text, select learning C# programming source code, a good reference. (2013-12-16, C#, 59KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] CSharpSpider

能够实现基本的网络过滤功能 ,蜚地 模压时机时机,很重要,对于刚刚开始学习网络编程的同学来说。
Network to achieve the basic filtering, pressing time to time rumors, it is very important, who have just started to learn network programming for the students. (2009-08-03, C#, 76KB, 下载25次)
