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[技术管理] [MATLAB从入门到精通].周建兴.清晰版.pdf

From Initial to Proficient in MATLAB (2018-12-03, C#, 12252KB, 下载23次)


[技术管理] CSharpCodeStandard

This paper describes the coding standards. In general, this paper is to provide a method for the development team so that they have a consistent programming format to follow. Thus, each development team to write programming code that can be understood by others. Staff as possible within the unified team of programming style, to ensure consistency and unity. This requires that you use the same code style (2011-04-27, C#, 12KB, 下载2次)


[技术管理] CSHigh

这是一个关于C SHARP的相关编程技巧的资料,对于初学者是非常有用的资料
This is a study on C SHARP relevant information on programming skills, for beginners it is very useful information (2008-11-20, C#, 2543KB, 下载7次)
