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[操作系统开发] WindowsInternals

The premier guide to the Windows kernel now covers Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000, including 64-bit extensions. Get the architectural perspectives and insider insights needed to unlock the power of Windows. (2011-02-09, CHM, 10719KB, 下载3次)


[操作系统开发] VMwareChsBook

vmware Chinese Course, you want your computer into a multi-use it? You do not have more than one computer in the multi-platform environment for C/S or B/S Programming is upset about it? Please refer to the document, you can easily solve your problem, let you play the complete function of your computer, you can 1 Taiwan into a multiple operating system platforms and in multiple use under. (2008-10-12, CHM, 412KB, 下载23次)
