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[xml/soap/webservice] xml

Xml explain courseware to enable students to self-xml programming, the primary entry courseware (2015-05-06, PPT, 1142KB, 下载1次)


[xml/soap/webservice] BPEL.ppt

BPEL:全称为Business Process Execution Language,即业务流程执行语言,是一种使用XML编写的编程语言。用于自动化业务流程,也曾经被称作WSBPEL和 BPEL4WS。广泛使用于Web服务相关的项目开发中,优点为具有可移植性和有效保护了投资。
The goal of the BPEL Project is to add comprehensive support to Eclipse for the definition, authoring, editing, deploying, testing and debugging of WS-BPEL 2.0 processes. WS-BPEL (Web Services Business Process Execution Language), or BPEL, is a vendor-neutral specification being developed by OASIS to specify business processes as a set of interactions between web services. By providing these tools, this project aims to build a community around support for BPEL in Eclipse. The key pieces of functionality that will be provided are: (2010-04-09, PPT, 584KB, 下载7次)
