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[移动互联网开发] maze

了解图形系统的性能, 掌握可交互的OpenGL应用程序的开发设计的方法,掌握系统处理鼠标和键盘事件的编程方法,掌握OpenGL应用程序的拾取机制,掌握并学会利用OpenGL开发场景漫游程序的编程方法,掌握并学会利用OpenGL纹理映射的方法。在实践开发过程中,培养科研的钻研能力和综合开发能力。
Understanding the performance of the graphic system, mastering the method of developing and designing the interactive OpenGL application, mastering the programming method of the system dealing with the mouse and the keyboard events, mastering the pickup mechanism of the OpenGL application, mastering and learning to use the programming method of developing the scene roaming program of the OpenGL, mastering and learning to use the OpenGL texture mapping. Law. In the process of practice development, we should cultivate scientific research ability and comprehensive development ability. (2018-06-03, Visual C++, 15374KB, 下载3次)
