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按分类查找All 数值算法/人工智能(3) 
按平台查找All R language(3) 

[数值算法/人工智能] Financial-Engineering

基于R语言的金融工程统计数据分析。包括: 1.SVR,ANNS等机器学习算法及编程; 2.ARIMA,FARIMA,GATCH等传统统计学时间序列知识点及编程; 3.风险管理相关知识以及编程; 4.数理金融相关知识以及编程等。
Statistical Analysis of Financial Engineering Based on R Language. include: 1.SVR, ANNS and other machine learning algorithms and programming 2.ARIMA, FARIMA, GATCH and other traditional statistical time series of knowledge points and programming 3. Knowledge of risk management and programming 4. Mathematical and financial knowledge and programming. (2016-12-06, R language, 10848KB, 下载2次)


[数值算法/人工智能] RLang

R is set by the data manipulation, calculation and graphical display capabilities the integration kit. Including: effective data storage and processing functions, a complete array (particularly matrix) calculation operator has a complete system of data analysis tools and powerful graphics capabilities for data analysis and display provided by a (language derived S ) perfect, simple and effective programming language (including conditions, loops, custom functions, input and output functions). (2016-08-24, R language, 94KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] R-and-Data-Mining

This book guides R users into data mining and helps data miners who use R in their work. It provides a how-to method using R for data mining applications academia to industry. It presents an introduction into using R for data mining applications, covering most popular data mining techniques,Provides code examples and data so that readers can easily learn the techniques,Features case studies in real-world applications to help readers apply the techniques in their work and studies (2016-04-12, R language, 15702KB, 下载8次)
