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[云计算] cloud-judge

Cloud-Judge 是一个基于 Kubernetes (k8s) 的云原生在线判题平台,专为编程竞赛和算法挑战设计。它利用云计算的强大能力,为用户提供了一个可伸缩、高可用的在线编程环境。Cloud-Judge 支持多种编程语言,包括但不限于 Java 和 Go,允许开发者在云, stars:0, update:2024-06-15 03:59:11 (2024-06-16, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Map-Reduce

MapReduce is a programming model used for efficient processing in parallel over large data-sets in a distributed manner. The data is first split and then combined to produce the final result, The purpose of MapReduce in Hadoop is to Map each of the jobs and then it will reduce it to equivalent tasks for providing less overhead over the cluster (2023-11-17, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] sailpoint-cli

The SailPoint Command Line Interface (CLI) makes it easy to interact with SailPoint s SaaS Platform in a programmatic way. Many functions that use to be accomplished through tools like Postman or from custom scripts can now be done directly on the command line with minimal setup. (2023-06-22, GO, 1731KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] serverlessScheduler

serverlessScheduler,2020天池首届云原生编程挑战赛亚军-复赛(实现一个 Serverless 计算服务调度系统)方案
ServerlessScheduler, runner up of the first cloud native programming challenge in Tianchi in 2020- second round (implementation of a serverless computing service scheduling system) solution (2021-09-18, GO, 14398KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] edge-proxy

edge-proxy,2022第三届云原生编程挑战赛-赛道2:针对边缘计算场景的ACK@Edge高效的边缘自治方案 队伍: 唔想返工
Edge proxy, 2022 The Third Cloud Native Programming Challenge - Track 2: ACK@Edge Efficient edge autonomy solution team: Do not want to rework (2023-01-09, GO, 362KB, 下载0次)
