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按分类查找All 射击游戏(2) 
按平台查找All Visual Basic(2) 

[射击游戏] daba

A test of the ability to respond to written in VB games, target shooting, window Click Start will continue to flash target, you need to click the mouse in a timely manner to the target shooting, of course, the more hit the bull' s-eye, the higher the scores, used to test the ability to respond or good for programmers, this game will help us understand VB random number and some tips to control graphics, and worth a visit. (2013-04-16, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载6次)


[射击游戏] 坦克小编程

I just prepare the tanks games. Very interesting ah. VB is prepared ah. Ah programming Watchable (2005-04-21, Visual Basic, 956KB, 下载15次)
