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[搜索引擎] NaturalLanguageSearch

The user clicks 揝ay It To The Internet?and their sentences is processed by both a search engine and a popular AI chatbot like Hexbot. The search engine image results are displayed on the right and the chatbot抯 response is displayed on the left. As the user continues their conversation with Hexbot the search engine continually processes and displays related images on the right. I tried this application out for a few hours and found it rather addicting for a few hours. Most search engines are a continually growing representation of the world抯 ideas in a flat format. Popular chatbots such as Hexbot are continually growing representations of the world抯 ideas, thoughts, and states of mind. In this application we merge the two and create a fascinating utility. If you are use to manual search engines then it will be a bit like switching from a stick shift to an automatic transmission. At first it may be a little uncomfortable to talk to the Internet as a person, but it quickly grows on you. (2009-05-24, Visual Basic, 88KB, 下载21次)
