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[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] Sample

《window media编程与应用》(肖磊 清华大学)一书中的所有源程序,涉及windows media player SDK,encoder sdk,service SDK,Rights manager SDK等多方面,使用VC和VB两种语言,是学习media SDK的好范例- Window media programming and Applications (Lei Xiao, Tsinghua University), a book of all the source code, relating to windows media player SDK, encoder sdk, service SDK, Rights manager SDK, etc., the use of VC and VB both languages, are Study good examples of media SDK
《window media编程与应用》(肖磊 清华大学)一书中的所有源程序,涉及windows media player SDK,encoder sdk,service SDK,Rights manager SDK等多方面,使用VC和VB两种语言,是学习media SDK的好范例- Window media programming and Applications (Lei Xiao, Tsinghua University), a book of all the source code, relating to windows media player SDK, encoder sdk, service SDK, Rights manager SDK, etc., the use of VC and VB both languages, are Study good examples of media SDK (2011-12-06, Visual Basic, 5253KB, 下载26次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] bofangqi

VB 写的网络播放器,界面非常漂亮,可以自动从指定的网站获取音乐文件播放,想介入流媒体编程的可以下载学习!
VB to write a network player, a very beautiful interface, can automatically from the specified website to play music files, streaming media want to get involved in programming can be downloaded to learn! (2009-06-12, Visual Basic, 3556KB, 下载262次)


[流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4] duomeitibofangqi

Multimedia player is using VB6.0 programming and development. VB6.0 is under the Windows application development tools that can handle text, images, animation, sound and other multimedia materials. VB6.0 is event-driven mechanism for the preparation of language. Programmers as long as the preparation of the procedures to respond to user actions, without having to consider the precise order of implementation of each step. When the incident by the user of departure, or by the system, the object will respond to the incident. The player can play MP3, CD, VCD, FLASH, and other multimedia files, as an ordinary player has to play MP3, CD, VCD, etc. Therefore, the function of multimedia files in the industry includes the design of these modules, try to player functions fully reflected. (2008-03-03, Visual Basic, 16KB, 下载16次)
