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[系统编程] accews-unique-raise

PLC程序根据定义的通信协议(即 PLC接收信息 帧的格式和定义 )识别其信息 内容,通过PC 的 COM1与S7-200
The PLC program recognizes the information content according to the defined communication protocol (that is, the format and definition of the information frame received by PLC), and uses the COM1 and S7-200 of PC. (2018-09-17, Unix_Linux, 143KB, 下载0次)


[系统编程] Linux.pdf.tar

Introduction linux and linux programming environment communication functions and content of some threads and processes. (2016-09-20, Unix_Linux, 20488KB, 下载1次)


[系统编程] The.Go.Programming.Language.2015.11

Go language specifically for the application of multi processor system programming optimization, the use of Go compiler can be comparable to the speed of C or C++ code, but also more secure, to support the process of parallel (2016-07-14, Unix_Linux, 6262KB, 下载1次)


[系统编程] 3

设有两个并发执行的父子进程,不断循环输出各自进程号、优先数和调度策 略。进程初始调度策略均为系统默认策略和默认优先级。当父进程收到 SIGINT 信 号时会自动将其优先数加 1,子进程收到 SIGTSTP 信号时会自动将其优先数减 1。 请编程实现以上功能。
linux thread (2012-12-11, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] cpu

sopc 中的cpu软核,可以配置成soc,成为片上可编程系统
sopc in soft-core cpu, can be configured into a soc, as a programmable system chip (2009-08-21, Unix_Linux, 196KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] OperationSystem

Is on the realization of an operating system programming, programming of their own operating system through a more in-depth research. (2009-06-14, Unix_Linux, 20421KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] libpcap-1.0.20041001

libpcap is a system of independent api function interface for users to the bottom of the work of packets intercepted. It provides the underlying network monitoring program provides an easy to have the application framework. (2008-12-11, Unix_Linux, 601KB, 下载9次)


[系统编程] shmemory

The use of shared memory programming, the process of bringing people of different communication tasks can be (2008-08-19, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] simple-nachos

a simple operating system. Specialized installed in a 1.44-inch floppy disk operating system can be achieved graphical user interface. This compilation of language with the 32-bit operating system with a clear structure and programming to rapid and stable characteristics. MENUET now under development, with only a few simple, such as CD players such functions. To sum up, its functions and features include : graphical interface, the maximum 16-bit color support, the 1280x1024 resolution, true multi-tasking, multi-threaded, in leaflets 1.44MB floppy disk provided to the C programming language support, fully functional window system, kernel support from the Chinese show (2006-06-26, Unix_Linux, 601KB, 下载25次)


[系统编程] sys_prog.tar

系统编程的示例使用 是用c 在redhat9下测试通过
system programming examples of the use of the c is the test under redhat9 (2006-06-22, Unix_Linux, 5KB, 下载2次)
