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[OA办公系统] chesley-1.1.2

Chesley 是一个面向 Unix 平台和 xboard GUI 的象棋算法引擎。实现了很多先进的象棋编程技术例如移动和换位算法。
Chesley is a xboard GUI for Unix platforms and chess algorithm engine. It implements a number of advanced technologies such as mobile chess programming and transposition algorithms. (2017-01-19, Unix_Linux, 1081KB, 下载1次)


[OA办公系统] openfoam_turbulenceModel

Openfoam的湍流模型应用头文件 自己编程可以直接加进去用的
head file of openfoam for turbulence model (2013-12-14, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载14次)
