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[MacOS编程] JJThread

Demo OS 支持多个层次的多线程编程,层次越高的抽象程度越高
Demo OS supports multiple levels of multi-threaded programming, the higher the level the higher the degree of abstraction (2013-03-11, Unix_Linux, 57KB, 下载1次)


[MacOS编程] iosdevelopmentManuel

Apple ios System Programming Guide, which is a translation of the programming manual for beginners to master ios about programming framework. (2011-05-03, Unix_Linux, 2221KB, 下载37次)


[MacOS编程] BecomeAnXcoder.pdf

mac os入门资料,介绍了mac os平台编程的一些事项和编程入门,基础知识的讲解,等等,如果第一次接触mac编程,一定不能错过
mac os entry information on the mac os platform programming some of the issues and programming to introduce the basic knowledge of the talks, and so on, if the first contact with the mac programming, must not be missed (2009-12-09, Unix_Linux, 1138KB, 下载17次)
