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[系统/网络安全] cioxion

89S52 IAP download monitoring program, beginners learning upper computer programming novice has very reference value! (2019-05-22, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载1次)


[系统/网络安全] firewallTechnicalGuide

, This book by exploring the composition of all components of the Internet and make the Internet a variety of factors of insecurity, so that you are a higher level of professional standards its detailed description and discussion of the application on the Internet all the agreements, standards and applications Programming Interface (API), as well as encryption to the firewall from the security mechanism. The latter part of the book market, the main firewall, including products, tools and application software packages are reviewed and some of the demo version of the firewall and evaluation of the book (2009-06-15, Unix_Linux, 11727KB, 下载2次)


[系统/网络安全] iptables-

linux source code under the iptable. Want to study under linux for programming, and network traffic control there is a lot of benefits (2009-04-01, Unix_Linux, 599KB, 下载91次)
