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[编译器/解释器] arm_linux_4.8-20150831.tar

很好用的编译器,经测试完美运行 ,时你编程的良好助手工具 哈哈哈
Useful compiler, the perfect test run, when your good assistant of programming tools Ha, ha, ha (2016-12-13, Unix_Linux, 75226KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] simpleshell

实验5 简单shell的设计和实现(20分) 目的: 1、练习使用编程环境,包括shell的命令,vi和gcc编译器。 2、体会进程概念,了解fork,execve,wait等系统调用。 要求: 1、除了系统调用execve,不允许使用其他的exec函数。输入应当允许带多个参数(一行内可以表示),不考虑通配符 (即“*”、“?”、“-”等等)的处理。 2、输入错误命令能提示出错并进入下一轮接收命令状态。 3、可以用Ctrl-C和Ctrl-\结束简单shell的运行。 4、程序运行正确,提示简洁明确。 5、实验提交文件为:实验报告、源程序、可执行程序。
Experiment 5 simple shell design and implementation (20 points) purpose: 1, practice using the programming environment, including shell commands, vi and gcc compiler. 2, experience the process of concept, understanding fork, execve, wait system calls. Claim: 1, in addition to the system call execve, are not allowed to use other functions. It should be allowed to enter with more than one parameter (which may represent one line), without considering the wildcard (or * , ? , - Etc.) treatment. 2. Enter the wrong command can prompt an error and the next round receives a command state. 3, you can use Ctrl-C and Ctrl- \ end simple shell operation. 4, the program runs properly, suggesting clear and concise. 5, experiment submissions to: test reports, source code, executable program. (2015-12-19, Unix_Linux, 47KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] Bash-Beginners-Guide-chinese

Very easy to use a bash script programming book, Getting Started (2014-11-26, Unix_Linux, 27819KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] tiger

Tiger compiler, the fourth chapter of the book answers the programming operations, including the functions of lex and yacc (2013-12-08, Unix_Linux, 410KB, 下载5次)


[编译器/解释器] go1.0.3.src.tar

Go language is an open source programming language Google 2009 release of the second paragraph. Go language application programming specifically for multi-processor systems are optimized to use the the Go compiled program comparable to the speed of of C or C++ code, and safer, to support the parallel processes. (2012-10-30, Unix_Linux, 7231KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] lzz_2_8_0_src

LZZ使普通的C ++编程似乎低级别的。你有多少次忽视了更新后的头文件编辑源文件?这是一个愚蠢的错误,但我们做了一遍又一遍。 C ++迫使你输入和维护重复的代码。为什么不能让一个程序生成的吗? 罗勒,回溯LR(1)语法分析器生成解析器LZZ所产生的。
Lzz makes ordinary C++ programming seem low-level. How many times have you neglected to update a header file after editing a source file? This is a silly mistake, yet we do it again and again. C++ forces you to type and maintain duplicate code. Why not let a program generate it for you? The parser in Lzz is generated by Basil, a backtracking LR(1) parser generator. (2012-10-09, Unix_Linux, 525KB, 下载3次)


[编译器/解释器] gen-cpp

Apache Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language services development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, and OCaml. Originally developed at Facebook, Apache Thrift was open sourced in April 2007 and entered the Apache Incubator in May, 2008. (2012-03-25, Unix_Linux, 239KB, 下载27次)


[编译器/解释器] lex_simple

简单的lex编程,详细见英文描述 Running the Lex program 1. Write the Lex specifications as described above in a file, say, prog1.l 2. On moon.cse.yzu.edu.tw, do the following: flex prog1.l (Produces lex.yy.c as the output) gcc lex.yy.c -lfl (Compile the C file and link with Lex library) a.out (Run the executable, and type the input, followed by ) or, if the input is in a file, say, hw1.in, then do the following: a.out < hw1.in
Write the LEX program as per the specifications below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recognize Action Arithmetic (+,-,*, /) Print the operator along with the line number Relational (<, <=, >, >=, !=, ==) Print the operator along with the line number Assignment (=) Print the operator along with the line number Parenthesis (left and right ones) No action for now Some set of Reserved Words (for, if, while, int, ...) Print the Reserved word along with the line number Identifiers Insert into a table and keep track of the line number Numbers Print the number (should handle integer and floating point) along with the line number Keep explicit track of the current line number by recognizing "\n" as a separate token. Do not use the LEX line number variable. At the end, print the number of distinct identifiers and the line numbers on which they occur. Sample Input: int i, n, sum i = (2011-06-04, Unix_Linux, 23KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] lex-yacc

Using c++ language and tools in the lex-yacc grammar tools, basic function is equivalent to a c language grammar, the platform of programming and programming can be configured to play a great role, increasing program flexibility. (2009-10-08, Unix_Linux, 137KB, 下载37次)


[编译器/解释器] libiconv-1.8.tar

Multi-language conversion tool library, can support the command-line conversion will also support the programming, the latest version (2008-03-20, Unix_Linux, 3432KB, 下载11次)
