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[远程控制/远程桌面] LibDll

Write a remote connection library, you can learn something. Applied to study the network programming. (2010-07-27, Unix_Linux, 27KB, 下载11次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] note38

基 于Visual Basic 软件编程开发了远程读取多功能电力仪表数据的程序。通过MSComm 控件对RS-232 串口COM1 的进行控制,实现了对多功能电力仪表远程控制功能。
Based on the Visual Basic software programming has developed a multi-functional remote reading of electricity meter data. MSComm control through RS-232 serial port on COM1 of control, realize the power of multi-functional instrument remote control functions. (2007-09-23, Unix_Linux, 112KB, 下载70次)
