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[matlab编程] GUI_IMAGE_PRocessing

SIMPL digital processing for Image on GUI/MATLAB
Simpl digital processing for Image on GUI/MATLAB (2015-04-07, matlab, 16KB, 下载2次)


[matlab编程] SIMPLex

Use simplex method to solve linear programming, enter as the standard type of linear programming, for solving the optimal solution and optimal value (2008-01-04, matlab, 1KB, 下载160次)


[matlab编程] TheElementsofJavaStyle

THE SYNTAX OF A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE tells you what code it is possible to write—what the machine will understand. Style tells you what you ought to write— what the humans reading the code will understand. Code written with a consistent, SIMPLe style will be maintainable, robust, and contain fewer bugs. Code written with no regard to style will contain more bugs. It may SIMPLy be thrown away and rewritten rather than maintained.
var OF THE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE tells A. you what code it is possible to write-what the ma chine will understand. Style tells you what you ought to write-what the humans reading the code will understand. Code written with a consisten t, simple style will be maintainable, and robust. and contain fewer bugs. Code written with no reg ard to style will contain more bugs. It may simpl y be thrown away and rewritten rather than maint ained. (2007-05-10, Java, 183KB, 下载3次)
