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[其他小程序] A-SIMPLe-language-interpreter

一个简单的语言解释器, 它可以读入一个简单的文本标记文件,并提取和 转换相应的成员关系信息。文件内容如下所示。 一个简单的文本标记文件: <class> <student> <name>ABC</name> <id>123456</id> group1 </student> </class> 每组"标记"包含两部分:标记名称和标记值。例如, <id>123456</id>是一组标记。标记名称包含在一对尖括号中 ("<" 和 ">"), <id> 称为标记头, </id> 称为标记尾。 标记头和标记尾之间的称为标记的值。 在上面的例子中, 标记名称=id, 标记值=123456;而 group1 则是标记名称=student 的标记值。首尾标记名称及标记值可以分行写,但 表记名<>之间不能被回车分割,所有的标记值字符串不能被回车行或者其他标记分割。 具体的输入输出要求在压缩包中有。
A simple language interpreter, which can read a simple text markup files, and extract and Convert the corresponding membership information. Contents of the file is shown below. A simple text markup file: <class> <student> <name> ABC </ name> <id> 123456 </ id> group1 </ Student> </ Class> Each "tag" contains two parts: the tag name and tag values. For example, <id> 123456 </ id> is a set of tags. Tag Name Contained in a pair of angle brackets ("<" And ">"), <id> called tag header, </ id> as end tag. Tag between the head and tail marking as standard Note value. In the above example, Tag name = id, tag value = 123456 and group1 is the tag name = student of the tag values. Sum of tag name And write tag values can branch, but Table secret <> carriage return can not be split between all the tag value strings can not be split Enter the line or other marker. Specific input a (2011-02-10, Visual C++, 1227KB, 下载10次)


[其他小程序] SIMPL_src1

A simple to use vc++ examples of paste board (2009-02-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载6次)
