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[Linux/Unix编程] Software-Manager

SIMPLe Software manager,用于快速自动安装Linux Distros测试程序,或SIMPLe…
Simple Software manager useful for installing programs for the Linux Distros test quickly and automatically, or Simpl… (2022-11-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] track.tar

This distribution contains source code for a SIMPLe object tracking program using particle filtering. You need to have the OpenCV Library and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) installed to compile and use the programs. See the below two links:
This distribution contains source code for a simple object tracking program using particle filtering. You need to have the OpenCV Library and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) installed to compile and use the programs. See the below two links: (2009-03-08, C/C++, 9505KB, 下载64次)
