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[其他] IMC-calc

IMC Calcéuma aplica o cujo propósitoéauxiliar o usuário a calcular seu IMC(Indíce de Massa Corpórea)através de uma接口简单...,
IMC Calc é uma aplica??o cujo propósito é auxiliar o usuário a calcular seu IMC (Indíce de Massa Corpórea) através de uma interface simples e amigável. (2021-06-10, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] opendfl

opendfl Java Spring分布式频率限制,在服务网格、istio模式或Spring云模式中,它是一个简单的...
opendfl Java Spring Distributed frequency limitation, In service mesh, istio mode or spring cloud mode, it is a simple solution for internal flow control or distributed management of services. (2022-09-20, CSS, 3469KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Material-Design-Template

Bootstrap 5 Material admin is a free Bootstrap 5 admin template. Its UI and design were inspired by Google s Material design framework. Material Admin is built with the latest Bootstrap 5, HTML5, and CSS3 code. It has an impressive collection of reusable UI components and elements that are ready to use in any type of web project. The template (2022-06-17, CSS, 6244KB, 下载0次)
