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[OpenCV] OpenCv参考资料

opencv library simpl instruction (2019-04-16, C/C++, 47KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程] SIMPL Windows基础教程(修订060313)

快思聪 SIMPL Windows编程语言 初级教程
CRESTRON SIMPL For Windows (2019-01-25, C/C++, 1649KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] SIMPL_src1

A simple to use vc++ examples of paste board (2016-02-29, C/C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Unix-socket

简单聊天程序: 实用于unix平台的socket编程模型
simpl Socket program for Unix (2011-12-06, C/C++, 3KB, 下载7次)


[单片机开发] Electronic-production

电子制作——杂志年刊程序汇总 基于89S52单片机的电子体温计 16×16点阵的制作 程控滤波器(D)设计报告 测试数据 AT89C51单片机双字中文点阵设计与仿真 51单片机和HD7279A的接口与编程 单片机从入门到精通系列讲座——数码管驱动方法 利用LCD1602的自定义字库显示汉字 单片机从入门到精通系列讲座——单片机简易频率计 用AT89S51单片机控制的智能电动车 P111G2系列可编程控制器应用集锦(1) 51单片机综合学习系统——无线遥控模块的应用 学习单片机的新途径——PROTEUS软件与单片机教学实验同步进行的教学新模式 以AT24C02为例介绍I2C总线与单片机的连接 C51和汇编混合编程 进一步认识单片机的输入输出口 单片机从入门到精通系列讲座——简易数字钟 手把手学习数字温度计的制作 单片机从入门到精通系列讲座——实时数字钟 有趣的电子蝙蝠 用SPCE061A单片机实现俄罗斯方块游戏 P111G2系列可编程控制器应用集锦(4) 单片机从入门到精通系列讲座——串口收发实例 一款可串行控制的LED系列显示模块 液晶点阵提取工具zimo21应用 用AVR单片机制作DDS信号源 单片机从入门到精通系列讲座——DS18B20温度模块驱动 部分是源码 部分是带有讲解的TXT文档....... 绝对超值·~~~
89S52 microcontroller based electronic thermometer 16 × 16 dot matrix production Programmable filter (D) design report test data AT89C51 single-chip dual-word Chinese lattice design and simulation 51 microcontroller and interface with the programming HD7279A SCM Mastering Lecture Series- LED driving method LCD1602 use custom font to display Chinese characters SCM Mastering Lecture Series- SCM simple frequency meter AT89S51 MCU control with smart electric vehicles P111G2 Series Programmable Logic Controller Application Collection (1) 51 single-chip integrated learning systems- the application of the wireless remote control module MCU learning new ways- PROTEUS software teaching experiments carried out simultaneously with the microcontroller a new model of teaching An example with AT24C02 microcontroller with I2C bus connection C51 and assembly programming Further understanding of the microcontroller input and output ports SCM Mastering Lecture Series- Simpl (2011-07-06, C/C++, 1480KB, 下载43次)


[Linux/Unix编程] track.tar

This distribution contains source code for a SIMPLe object tracking program using particle filtering. You need to have the OpenCV Library and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) installed to compile and use the programs. See the below two links:
This distribution contains source code for a simple object tracking program using particle filtering. You need to have the OpenCV Library and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) installed to compile and use the programs. See the below two links: (2009-03-08, C/C++, 9505KB, 下载64次)


[Windows编程] octane-1.01.20-src

Octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ . The Open Compression Toolkit is a set of modular C++ classes and utilities for implementing and testing compression algorithms. SIMPLe interface and skeleton code for creating new compression algorithms. Complete testing framework for validating and comparing new algorithms. Support for algorithms that use external dictionaries/headers. Utility classes and sample code for bitio, frequency counting, etc.
octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Tool kit for C. The Open Compression Toolkit is a set o f modular C classes and utilities for implement ing and testing compression algorithms. Simpl e interface and skeleton code for creating new c ompression algorithms. Complete testing fram ework for validating and comparing new algorit combinations. Support for algorithms that use external d ictionaries/headers. Utility classes and sam ple code for bitio, frequency counting, etc. (2007-05-04, C/C++, 169KB, 下载2次)
