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[Windows编程] SIMPL_src1

A simple to use vc++ examples of paste board (2016-02-29, C/C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] octane-1.01.20-src

Octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ . The Open Compression Toolkit is a set of modular C++ classes and utilities for implementing and testing compression algorithms. SIMPLe interface and skeleton code for creating new compression algorithms. Complete testing framework for validating and comparing new algorithms. Support for algorithms that use external dictionaries/headers. Utility classes and sample code for bitio, frequency counting, etc.
octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Tool kit for C. The Open Compression Toolkit is a set o f modular C classes and utilities for implement ing and testing compression algorithms. Simpl e interface and skeleton code for creating new c ompression algorithms. Complete testing fram ework for validating and comparing new algorit combinations. Support for algorithms that use external d ictionaries/headers. Utility classes and sam ple code for bitio, frequency counting, etc. (2007-05-04, C/C++, 169KB, 下载2次)
