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[Windows编程] SIMPL_src1

A simple to use vc++ examples of paste board (2016-02-29, C/C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] SIMPL-Windows

快思聪中控系统教程 零基础入门快速学习教程
how to use simpl windows user (2014-04-29, PDF, 1642KB, 下载32次)


[Windows编程] winsocketchat

this is a simpl program for chat room, in my teaching,i use it to help student to understand winsocket. (2009-10-16, C++ Builder, 360KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] octane-1.01.20-src

Octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Toolkit for C++ . The Open Compression Toolkit is a set of modular C++ classes and utilities for implementing and testing compression algorithms. SIMPLe interface and skeleton code for creating new compression algorithms. Complete testing framework for validating and comparing new algorithms. Support for algorithms that use external dictionaries/headers. Utility classes and sample code for bitio, frequency counting, etc.
octane v1.01.20 The Open Compression Tool kit for C. The Open Compression Toolkit is a set o f modular C classes and utilities for implement ing and testing compression algorithms. Simpl e interface and skeleton code for creating new c ompression algorithms. Complete testing fram ework for validating and comparing new algorit combinations. Support for algorithms that use external d ictionaries/headers. Utility classes and sam ple code for bitio, frequency counting, etc. (2007-05-04, C/C++, 169KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] AjanChat

Cnnects two computers using the very SIMPLE and SMALL visual basic code.
Cnnects two computers using the very SIMPL SMALL E and visual basic code. (2007-01-26, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载23次)


[Windows编程] FoxTOExce

this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very SIMPLe yet useful utility easpecially if you want to copy your file daily to fixed locations to different computers in the network
this utility is used to copy any file to diff erent location in the local area network. this u tility keeps record of last added locations int o list.This application uses the file path.xml to keep history of locations. This is very simpl e easpecially yet useful utility if you want to c guardian your file daily to fixed locations to differ ent computers in the network (2006-05-03, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] sleep

this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very SIMPLe yet useful utility easpecially if you want to copy your file daily to fixed locations to different computers in the network
this utility is used to copy any file to diff erent location in the local area network. this u tility keeps record of last added locations int o list.This application uses the file path.xml to keep history of locations. This is very simpl e easpecially yet useful utility if you want to c guardian your file daily to fixed locations to differ ent computers in the network (2006-05-03, Visual Basic, 8KB, 下载1次)
