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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(91) 

[教育系统应用] education-using-Multi-task-Elastic-Net-Regression

Student achievement in secondary education of two Portuguese schools using Multi-task Elastic-Net Regression (2024-01-01, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[教育系统应用] Pkebiaopaiker

Previously downloaded from the Internet a better Course Scheduling System, Course Scheduling System " parallel backtracking algorithm, simply set good basic school information and arranging the constraints, the remaining things from the computer to complete. Courses fully automated (can also be manually arrangements) can be adjusted after row, using a random arrangement with arranging fast, high accuracy, good results, and can automatically calculate the workload of teachers and a variety of formats class, the teacher, the output of the whole school curriculum. Key features include: curriculum management (new, open, delete Timetable), the basic settings (grades, classes, teachers, curriculum) (2012-09-09, Visual C++, 1101KB, 下载39次)


[教育系统应用] XXTmanager

Home-school through school version management system, written using DELPHI, source code, schools, the data collection and remote SMS WEB interface to call the part. (2010-06-14, Delphi, 19813KB, 下载46次)


[教育系统应用] Sourcecode

学生信息管理系统。对于学生信息,各班的班主任及学校领导由于各种分类和了解的需要,经常性地进行各种查询。例如:查询一个班级中团员的人数,男、女生的人数,住宿或通宿学生的人数等等。教导处在每一届学生进校时必须进行分班,设置学号;每一届学生毕业,要进行学生信息备份; 对于成绩管理,课任教师要进行本科目成绩登记,计算平均分、优秀率、及格率;班主任在期中考试和期末考试后计算本班学生总分,排名次;教导处要统计补考学生人数及相应名单,每学期进行学生成绩备份;学校领导则可通过查询工具来了解学生成绩情况。 对于课程信息,教导处每学期要进行课程安排、课任教师分配、一周课程安排、中途课程调整等等。
Student information management system. Information for students, class teachers and school leaders because of the various classification and know the needs of a variety of regular inquiries. For example: query a number of class members, boys and girls have the number of residential accommodation or pass the number of students and so on.教导处students at every school placement must be carried out, set up its study each session, graduate students, it is necessary to carry out student information to back up For performance management, class teachers to carry out any of the subjects grade registration, calculation of average hours, excellent rates, passing rates class at mid-term exams and final exam scores of students after the completion Bin, ranked second 教导处statistical make-up to the number of students and the corresponding list of students each semester to score back-up School Leaders can know through the query tool to score the situation of students. For course information,教导处ea (2009-03-07, Visual Basic, 1150KB, 下载68次)


[教育系统应用] kebiaopaike

Previously downloaded from the Internet a better Course Scheduling System, Timetable system "parallel backtracking" algorithms, need to do is set a good school, basic information and Timetable of the restrictive conditions, the remaining things to be completed by the computer. Curriculum arrangements for fully automated (can also be arranged by hand), can be adjusted after row, using a random arrangement with Timetable fast, accurate, effective, and can automatically calculate the workload of teachers, a variety of formats classes , teachers, school curriculum output. The main features include: curriculum management (new, open, delete the schedule), the basic settings (grade, class, teachers, curriculum), teaching settings (school hours, (2009-01-22, PowerBuilder, 1214KB, 下载116次)


[教育系统应用] junjima

Convolutional codes codecs done some time ago in school communications systems curriculum design, selection of channel convolutional codes codec issue, but had searched the Internet to find it did not achieve the MatLab, no way, I have no information in the library search themselves resolved. This is my thesis argues curriculum design parts: (2008-12-28, matlab, 3KB, 下载41次)


[教育系统应用] Student_performance_management_system

?贸杉 ?管理系统面向??校 ??淌 | ???生???| 用于??生成??的录入 ??嗉 ?删除???????岷狭顺杉 ?的排名 ?统计??以???匝 ?生评论 ?软件下载 ???生家???淌 | 留言?| 能??是?惶 ???校可??入实际使用 ??咝??弦瞪??渭??弦德畚牡南低常 (2008-08-05, ASP, 181KB, 下载43次)


[教育系统应用] DB_Buaa

Undergraduate teaching management system, which allows students to query, change the self-information, inquiry, registration for courses each semester, browse their results can also be used to track student learning progress, until its degree permit teachers inquiries, change of personal information, query their own courses to be taught permit each department to manage their own academic subjects students, teachers and curriculum permit the management of all schools of the Registrar Office of the curriculum, students and teachers. (2008-02-27, Java, 505KB, 下载68次)


[教育系统应用] xxgl

一、概述 1、项目背景:数据库原理课程设计 2、编写目的:掌握数据库设计原理及相关软件的使用 3、开发环境: 二、需求分析 1、 问题的提出:为了高效率的完成学生信息的管理,决定开发学生信息管理系统。 2、 需完成的功能: (1) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的档案信息,这些信息包括学生的基本情况、简历情况、获得奖励情况、受到处分情况、学生的家庭信息、学生的体检情况等。 (2) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的入校成绩、各学期各门课的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。
err (2008-01-05, ASP, 11KB, 下载42次)


[教育系统应用] txglxy

library management system, is my thesis, the thesis in schools rated excellent! (2006-12-18, Delphi, 2592KB, 下载222次)


[教育系统应用] 050412

学 校 要 求 做 的 vfp 图 书 管 理 系 统
requirements of schools do Probe Library Management System (2006-06-26, VFP, 2895KB, 下载84次)


[教育系统应用] vbxueshengguanlixitong

这是一个学生信息管理系统,能完成的功能: (1)能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的档案信息,这些信息包括学生的基本情况、简历情况、获得奖励情况、受到处分情况、学生的家庭信息、学生的体检情况等。 (2) 能录入、修改、查询、输出学生的入校成绩、各学期各门课的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。
This is a student information management system, the completion of functions : (a) to logging, modifying, querying, students output file information, which includes the basic situation of the students, curriculum vitae, received awards. disciplinary action, the families of students, and students of medical conditions. (2) Input can be amended, query, the output of the students entering the school accomplishments, the class of the semester results information and support on the level, classes conditions statistics, query, report output. (2006-04-29, Visual Basic, 426KB, 下载95次)


[教育系统应用] LibAdmin

1 spent on schools and commercial library management programs, like about the function (2006-03-28, Visual Basic, 4893KB, 下载242次)


[教育系统应用] schoolnews

这是我根据动网新闻核心自行设计的校园新闻系统,曾或得江苏省大学生软件设计大赛2等奖。主要应用于校园内各学院和部门的新闻采集,提交和发布完全在线化。具体使用方法为由校园新闻网站给各学院和部门发放专有帐号和权限,实现对其所管理版块内容的更新。校新闻网站超级管理员负责新闻的审核和发布工作。首页和各下级页面样式可以通过模板来更改,方便网站的版面更换。还具有上传附件,文章评论,浏览量统计等功能接口,下载后便可直接应用于大学和其他类似部门的新闻采集和发布工作。网站示例请参考http://xcb.cumt.edu.cn:85/index.asp 由于版权原因,本人只提供后台全部代码,前台用了一个简单的页面来演示输出功能。 超级管理员帐号1:admin 密码:admin 超级管理员帐号2:1 密码:1
based news website design the core of campus information system, or have students in Jiangsu Province Software Design Competition Prize 2. The main campus for the colleges and departments of news gathering, the submission and publication of entirely online. The specific use of the campus grounds to the news website colleges and departments paid proprietary account and authority to achieve its management by the content of the front-page update. School administrators news website super news for the examination and publication work. Home page and the lower forms through the template to change the layout of the site to facilitate the replacement. The annex also has uploaded, the article comments, statistics hits functional interface can be downloaded directly applied to the universities and ot (2006-03-14, ASP, 3144KB, 下载120次)


[教育系统应用] 酒店餐饮管理vc++

I graduated design school in 2005 was outstanding graduate design called the detailed design idea (2005-12-12, Visual C++, 6147KB, 下载852次)


[教育系统应用] 计分程序

由我为校教务处自主开发的竞赛计分软件。 该软件由“比赛信息管理”、“裁判信息管理”、“选手信息管理”、“比赛计分排序”等几个模块组成。基于MFC技术,操作Access数据库,并可将比赛结果输出到Excel。
by my school to the office of independent development of software competition points. The software from "Competition information management", "information management magistrate", "information management players", "Competition points sequencing" composed of several modules. MFC-based technical, operational Access database, results of the competition could be exported to Excel. (2005-11-16, Visual C++, 30KB, 下载74次)


[教育系统应用] 教职工信息管理系统

one for the management of the staff of a school management system, relatively simple, but practical. (2005-06-14, Visual C++, 1871KB, 下载45次)


[教育系统应用] 运动会分数统计程序

题目:参加运动会的N个学校编号为1~N.比赛分成M个男子项目和W个女子项目,项目编号分别为1~M和M+1~M+W.由于个项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前5名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1 还有些项目只取前3名,得分顺序为5,3,2.写一个统计程序产生各种成绩单和得分报表.基本要求:产生各学校的成绩单,内容包括各校所取得的每项成绩的项目号,名次,姓名和得分 产生团体总分报表,内容包括校号,男子团体总分,女子团体总分和团体总分.概要设计:1. 为实现上述程序功能,应以线性表表示集合.2. 本程序包含3个模块:(1) 各集合定义模块(2) 线性表实现模块(3) 主程序模块
topics : participation in the Games N-school No. 1 ~ N. contestants were divided into men item M and W-woman project, a number of M and M ~ ~ 1 M W. As projects vary greatly in the number of participants, some of the items from the former five, scoring sequence of 7,5,3,2,1 also just take some items before the three scores sequence of incidents. write a variety of statistical procedures and report card scoring statements. the basic requirements : have the school report card, which includes school admission the results of each item, ranking names and scores scores statements groups, including schools, the men's team scores, the women's team scores and scores groups. summary of design : 1. to achieve the above functions of the program, said a linear table set .2. this program include (2005-05-17, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载202次)


[教育系统应用] 校综管

a campus integrated management systems, ASP source, basically something that schools are the Qi (2005-03-26, ASP, 7899KB, 下载172次)


[教育系统应用] student.2005

Visual Foxpro開發之<<学生管理系统>>,可做學習或學校教學參考使用
Visual Foxpro開發之<<学生管理系统>>,可做學習或學校教學參考使用 (2005-03-23, Windows_Unix, 912KB, 下载39次)
