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[数据库系统] Pizza-Sales-Analysis

This project delves into Pizza Hut s sales data, leveraging MySQL and SQL for analysis. Uncovering insights on popular pizza types and revenue trends informs menu optimization and marketing strategies, driving decision-making for enhanced sales performance. (2024-05-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] pizza_hut_sales

In this project, I ve used SQL queries to analyze Pizza Hut sales data, aiming to answer key questions and optimize strategies. Through this exploration, we re poised to extract actionable insights that enhance operational efficiency and drive business growth. (2024-04-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] sql-case-studies

Explore real-world SQL case studies and analyses across various business domains, including pizza sales, hotel bookings, and restaurant delivery services. Discover actionable insights derived from data analytics to optimize revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth. (2024-04-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] FoodBridge

MERN Stack应用程序,用于将功能区、酒店或餐厅的多余食物捐赠给有需要的人。主要目标是最大限度地减少食物浪费,并将其交付给有需要的人,使用谷歌地图API提供准确的地址,使用Sendgrid API发送邮件。
MERN Stack Application for donating excess food from functions, hotels, or restaurants to needy people. The primary objective is to minimize food wastage & to deliver it to the needy ones, with Google Map API for accurate address and Sendgrid API for sending mails. (2024-04-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] An-In-Depth-Exploration-of-Hotel-Data-Using-SQL

Using SQL, I will explore hotel data to highlight some key findings. These insights will help us get a better understanding of booking patterns, customer behaviour, revenue optimization and cancellation patterns (2023-12-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] CRDB

China Railway Database. Including line network details (including but not limited to line posts, bridges and tunnels), station track information (including but not limited to arrival and departure tracks, depots), locomotive and vehicle information (including but not limited to passenger and cargo aircraft, decommissioning, etc.), passenger train route information, etc. (striving for more convenient planning route). (2023-12-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] hotelManagementSystem

简易的C S架构的酒店管理系统。用的grid布局,Java语言编写。采用txt存储数据,可进行修改。下载导入后可直接运行。 | Java课程设计
Simple hotel management system with CS architecture. The grid layout is used, and it is written in Java language. Use txt to store data, which can be modified. It can run directly after downloading and importing| Java Course Design (2021-05-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] databases

用于促进酒店内非接触式操作的信息系统,具有具有简单用户界面的Web应用程序和数据库后端| ECE NTUA的数据库
Information System that is used to facilitate contactless operations within a Hotel, featuring a Web Application with a simple User Interface and a Database Backend | Databases at ECE NTUA (2023-11-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Airbnb-Analysis

This repository offers efficient data collection, preprocessing, and interactive exploratory analysis. Discover top hosts, scrutinize property features, and visualize data comprehensively in this Airbnb analysis project. (2023-10-16, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] kend-Services-with-Java-Spring-Boot-and-Hibernate

酒店管理后端web应用程序。使用的技术-Java、Spring boot、JPA Hiberate、MySQL、Radis、MongoDB、AWS、S3、REST Web Services,...,
Hotel Management Backend web app. Technologies used - Java, Spring-boot, JPA/Hiberate, MySQL, Radis, MongoDB, AWS, S3, REST Web Services, Eureka, Lombok, etc (2023-07-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] DH

基于net core的底层开发框架,支持插件模式、使用NewLife新生命ORM数据库框架。支持客如云、银豹基础对接接口,支持虚拟文件系统
A low-level development framework based on net core, supporting plugin mode and using the NewLife New Life ORM database framework. Supporting basic docking interfaces for customers such as Cloud and Silver Leopard, and supporting virtual file systems (2022-12-25, C#, 51517KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] hotelPlus

酒店管理系统,idea开发,maven拆分与聚合,后台采用jsp+mybatis plus+spring+spring MVC+Shiro+第三方短信验证接口.前台使用layUI与EasyUI.数据库使用mysql,实现了支付宝沙箱支...
Hotel management system, idea development, maven splitting and aggregation, jsp+mybatis plus+spring+spring MVC+Shiro+third-party SMS verification interface in the background, layUI and EasyUI in the foreground, mysql in the database, and Alipay sandbox payment (2022-11-09, JavaScript, 114513KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] community

This project is a community platform based on SpringBoot, which implements the functionality of the Niuke Network discussion area. Implemented functions such as email registration, verification code login, posting, commenting, private messages, likes, following, and counting website visits. The database uses Mybatis, Redis, Kafka to build system notifications, and Elas (2022-06-21, Java, 412KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] yumbo

Yunbo is an open source, user-friendly, personalized, and excellent innovation blog. The overall architecture is based on microservices spring cloud. Aspire to become the most popular open source blog. The front-end is based on Vue+elementUI, while the back-end is based on springboot_ 2. x+springcloud. Database Acquisition (2022-06-21, Others, 1193KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] java-lvyou

The Java tourism management system Spring Boot tourism website adopts framework technologies such as Vue and Layui in the front-end. User functions: login registration, personal center editing, search comments, likes and favorites function, reservation function, view travel routes, leave messages and feedback, etc; Administrator functions: user management, attraction management, hotel management, room management, travel (2022-04-06, Java, 7685KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Hotel-Management

大二上做的课程设计(酒店管理系统) java实现 桌面应用,(mysql数据库)适合大一学生学习,主要技术(日志,网络编程,多线程,IO,密码加密)
The course design I did in my sophomore year (Hotel Management System) is to implement desktop applications in Java, and (MySQL Database) is suitable for first-year students to learn. The main technologies include logging, network programming, multithreading, IO, and password encryption (2020-08-06, Java, 3227KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Bon_Voyage

A Hotel booking Android application. This app consists of a Google, Facebook and email login. Firebase is used as the database. The user can select the destination, select the hotel, and book the rooms there. After the booking process is complete, a confirmation email is sent to the user. (2018-01-07, Java, 6251KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Material-Hotel-Management-System

A hotel managent system with javafx . with tabs for adding a client , reservation , search and paying . With simple and beautiful material design using fxml with css , we will update the software soon with a database connected and fully fonctional system. (2018-08-26, Java, 2056KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] BBWPS_base

在传统CMS文章内容管理功能基础上,补充新的功能: 1、支持DIGG掘客功能; 2、支持TAG标签功能(本功能需Mysql 4.1以上版本数据库支持) 3、支持积分浏览; 4、支持会员投稿;
Article in the traditional CMS content management functionality based on the new features added: 1, DIGG Digg support functions 2, to support the TAG label function (this function need Mysql 4.1 or later database support) 3, the support points browsing 4, to support Member Instruction (2008-04-06, PHP, 3380KB, 下载4次)


[数据库系统] v6645_qq_ask

《ASP网站QQ在线咨询插件》 作者:国子(参考腾讯技术文档编写) QQ:895731 演示网址:http://www.wubaidu.com 转载请完整保留此说明文档,谢谢 使用方法: 将所有文件拷贝到网站目录,使用include方法将本文件包含到index.asp中,即在index.asp的最后添加一行<!--#include file="ask-qq.asp"--> 添加客服QQ方法: 修改ask-qq.asp中的“adm_qq=”后面引号中的QQ号,多个QQ号用西文逗号隔开,QQ数量不限。 如果你的ASP网站的数据库中保存有QQ号,也可直接读取数据库中的QQ 修改在线咨询浮动面板位置的方法: 修改ask-qq.asp中“startX =650”(水平)、“startY = 150”(垂直)中的数字即可。
"ASP website plug-QQ online advice" Author : State- (reference Tencent technical writing) QQ : 895731 demonstration website : http://www.wubaidu.com reproduced reservations please complete this documentation, thank Use : copies of all the documents to the Web catalog include the use of this method to document contains index.asp, in the final index.asp added his lt ;!--# include file = "ask-qq.asp"-- gt; add customer service QQ : amend ask-qq. asp the "adm_qq =" behind Quotes of QQ, QQ, with a number of Western comma separated QQ limit. If your ASP site database preservation QQ, can also directly access the database changes QQ online advisory panels floating location : amend ask-qq.asp "startX = 650" (horizontal), "startY = 150" (vertical) (2004-12-16, ASP, 10KB, 下载21次)
