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[游戏] newslist

可以实时获取最新的各大平台热门新闻列表,平台包括:实时榜中榜 微博 知乎 微信 百度 36氪 少数派 虎嗅网 IT之家 哔哩哔哩 抖音 煎蛋 AcFun 吾爱破解 百度贴吧 腾讯新闻 虎扑社区 淘宝 雪球 第一财经 财新网 新浪财经新闻 水木社区 北大未名 北邮人论坛 知乎日报 开眼视频 历史上的今天 高楼迷 宽带山 厦门小鱼 过早客(光谷社区) 豆瓣电影 微信读书 当当 起点中文网 纵横中文网 TapTap 3DM游戏网 机核网 游研社 新浪体育新闻 懂球帝 人人都是产品经理 咖啡日报 inNeed社区 Product Hunt GitHub CSDN博客 掘金 开发者头条 站酷 Dribbble 优设网 UI 中国 等
You can get the latest hot news list of all major platforms in real time, Platforms include: Weibo, Zhihu, WeChat, Baidu 36 Krypton, a minority, Huxiao, IT home, Bili, Bili, Tiaoyin, AcFun, I love cracking Baidu Post Bar, Tencent News, Hupu Community, Taobao Snowball, No. 1 Financial News, Sina Financial News, Shuimu Community, Peking University, Weiming, Beimailer Forum, Zhihu Daily, a fan of high-rise buildings in the history of opening videos, Broadband Mountain, Xiamen, Xiaoyu, an early visitor (Optics Valley Community) Douban Movie WeChat Reading Dangdang Starting Point Chinese Network Zongzong Chinese Network TapTap 3DM Game Network Machine Nuclear Online Game Research Press Sina Sports News Understand that everyone is a product manager Coffee Daily inNeed Community Product Hunt GitHub CSDN Blog Gold Digging Developer Headline Station Cool Dribbble Optimization Network UI China, etc (2024-02-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] StrongestTetris

It was the first time to be a title party, and everyone sprayed lightly. This game was independently completed by the blogger during the freshman C language training, and all the content is original. The mini game takes 5 days to complete. In addition to the common single player mode, cheating mode, double player mode, time trial and other playing methods are added. It s really fun. Although it seems very simple now, it was not easy for me at that time (2022-01-26, C, 54501KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] [反作弊][汉化98%]AAC - 1.9.4

我的世界反作弊aac1.9.4版本 Combat - 战斗类 - AutoClicker - 连点器 - KillAura - 杀戮光环 - MultiAction - 射箭/吃东西时攻击 - Criticals - 自动暴击- BowAimbot - 弓箭自动瞄准 Exploit - 漏洞类 - Some types of ServerCrasher - 一些类型的崩服器 Movement - 移动类 - Fly - 飞行 - LiquidWalk - 水上行走 - NoSlow - 使用物品时不减速 - SlimeJump - 粘液块飞行 - Speed - 加速 - Step - 快速走上方块 - Strafe - 灵活的移动 Player - 玩家类 - NoFall - 无摔落伤害 - FastUse 快速使用物品 Render - 地图类 - HealthTag - 血量显示 - PlayerESP - 玩家透视 - StorageESP - 箱子透视 - Freecam - 灵魂出窍 World - 世界类 - Scaffold - 自动搭路 - ChestStealer - 快速拿箱子
Combat - combat class -Autoclicker - connector -Killaura - the halo of killing -Multi action - attack when archery / eating -Criticals - Auto crit - bowaimbot - bow auto aim Exploit - vulnerability class -Some types of servercrasher Move - move class -Fly - flying -Liquidwalk - walking on water -Noslow - do not slow down when using items -Slimejump - slime block flight -Speed - acceleration -Step - get on the block quickly -Strafe - flexible mobility Player - player class -Nofall - no fall damage -Fastuse fast use items Render - map class -Healthtag - blood volume display -Player ESP - player Perspective -Storageesp - box Perspective -Freecam - out of body World - world class -Scaffold - Autopass -Cheststeeler - get the box quickly (2020-04-14, Java, 527KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] 1.6数据库

Xiao Bai asked Ali cloud to build tutorials + free server + server + database + video tutorials. (2018-11-14, LINUX, 328KB, 下载41次)


[游戏] LOL免费防封+破解BOT脚本

LOL补刀 骚扰 走砍 连招 躲避等。建议先小号,黑号玩,稳定在上大号。请勿用于商业用途,本是免费使用,后果自负。
LOL mend the knife harassment and hacked and dodge. It is suggested to play the trumpet and the black number first and stabilize on the top. Do not use for commercial purposes. This is free of charge. (2018-07-11, C/C++, 31543KB, 下载35次)


[游戏] 狐狸洞

自己莫索了很久修改的不用ODBC的狐狸洞版本,基础是用神武版本修改的 @item 制造物品 例如:@item 男子太极道袍 @callnpc召唤NPC 例如:@callnpc 雨中客 @Callmop召唤怪物 例如:@callmop 赦龙组.目前只能召唤长城以南的怪 @show admin 进去以后看不到地图的话打一下这个命令 @设定隐身 @解除隐身 @item 天王刀 1 8 是1把 8是8段
For a long time without modifying their own the ODBC fox hole version is based on modified using smart version @item manufacturing items such as: @item man Tai Chi surplices The following instruction parameters are unknown and do not understand what the use is! @swk @swk @die @die @spell @spell @damage @damage @createguild @createguild @guilddamage @guilddamage @callguild @callguild (2017-07-17, WINDOWS, 3439KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] 鬼话钟馗561完整端带数据库(风声资源王提供)

1) 开服 通过 accountdb-startup.bat 启动“帐号代理服务器” 0,帐号代理服务器:AccountDBSvr 通过 allserver-startup.bat 启动 “所有游戏服务器” 1,网关服务器:Gateway 2,登陆服务器:LoginSvr 3,世界服务器:WorldSvr 4,场景服务器1:GameSvr1 5,场景服务器2:GameSvr2 6,场景服务器3:GameSvr3 7,场景服务器4:GameSvr4 8,数据库服务器:DBSvr 9,日志服务器:LogSvr ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2) 关服 按照以下循序,在程序界面 按“Ctrl + C”,等待程序退出 网关服务器:Gateway 登陆服务器:LoginSvr 世界服务器:WorldSvr 场景服务器1:GameSvr1 场景服务器2:GameSvr2 场景服务器3:GameSvr3 场景服务器4:GameSvr4 !!!必须等上面的程序退出之后,才能关闭下面两个程序 数据库服务器:DBSvr 日志服务器:LogSvr -------------------------------------------------------------------
1) open service Start the account proxy server through accountdb-startup.bat" 0, account proxy server: AccountDBSvr Start all game servers via allserver-startup.bat" 1, gateway server: Gateway 2, landing server: LoginSvr 3, world server: WorldSvr 4, the scene server 1:GameSvr1 5, the scene server 2:GameSvr2 6, the scene server 3:GameSvr3 7, the scene server 4:GameSvr4 8, database server: DBSvr 9, log server: LogSvr ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Guan Yi Follow the sequence below to press Ctrl + C at the program interface and wait for the program to exit Gateway server: Gateway Landing server: LoginSvr World server: WorldSvr Scene server 1:GameSvr1 Scene server 2:GameSvr2 Scene server 3:GameSvr3 Scene server 4:GameSvr4 You must wait until the above program exits before you close the following two programs Database server: DBSvr Log server: LogSvr ------------------------------------------------------------------- (2017-07-09, WINDOWS, 23184KB, 下载10次)


[游戏] RFExpEd

RF国度G4服务端修改游戏升级经验开源工具 生成DAT文件后改名为“EXP.dat” 拷贝到服务端目录 (X为服务端所在盘符) 覆盖同名文件 开源工具自带说明,请注意使用说明。 畅玩无限
RF country G4 server to modify the game to upgrade the experience of open source tools After the DAT file is generated, it is renamed as EXP.dat Copy to server directory (X server where drive) Overlay file Open source tool comes with instructions, please note that the use of. b:Play unlimited (2016-10-05, Visual C++, 121KB, 下载9次)


[游戏] GuessNumberGame

编写程序,项目名与类名均为GuessNumberGame。 每次游戏程序随机产生一个0-9之间的整数,要求玩家输入自己猜的数字,并对用户输入数字进行检查,进行如下提示: 如果用户猜对了,则提示:恭喜你,猜对了。结束本次游戏。 如果用户猜错了,则提示:你猜的数字太(大或小)了。要求用户继续猜。 如果连续3次没有猜对,则提示:游戏失败。 一次游戏结束时,提示用户是否继续新的游戏,果用户选择继续,则开始新一次游戏,否则输出:你共进行了XXX次游戏,成功XXX次,失败XXX次。然后结束程序运行
Programming, project name and the class name are GuessNumberGame. Every game program randomly generates an integer between 0-9, requires players to enter their guess numbers, and the user to enter numbers to check the following tips: If you guess right, the prompt: Congratulations, you guessed it. The end of this game. If you guess wrong, you are prompted: You guessed numbers too (big or small) a. Require the user to continue to guess. If you have not guessed it three times in a row, the system prompts: The game failed. When the end of the first game, the user is prompted whether to continue a new game, if the user chooses to continue, then start a new game once, otherwise the output: XXX times you conducted the game, success XXX times, failed XXX times. Then run the program ends (2015-03-04, Java, 37KB, 下载3次)


[游戏] 2dTankeGame

Money game source code on the tank 2D, the project is small but has a lot of things involved in a variety of artillery and tanks and other effects UFO uses a lot of drawing a lot of blood in the calculation, press and hold the screen slide up and down to control the angle of the barrel click on the screen fired artillery shells, in addition to destroying enemy tanks if UFO or give their own blood, the process of moving tank shells also supply box animation. Pure java code, want to learn drawing knowledge not miss Involving Modules & Technology Animation Draw ... (2015-02-02, Java, 10822KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] snake-game

Snake is a small and simple game, only for entertainment. You can run the program mainly includes borders, scoring, there fruits and poisonous fruit, upgrades, acceleration and general functions, but also in the course of play will appear flashing super star, will automatically disappear within a certain time, playing in the process, will be accompanied by some background music, and when the snake to eat something different, there are different tone, so that surge of interest in the player. (2013-08-27, Visual C++, 21KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] JS

1.产生一个随机的不重复的4位数 比如 3645(玩家并不知道这个数字) 2.由玩家开始来猜这个数字,每猜完一次,系统给出相应的提示。如果猜对了,游戏结束。如 果猜错了,继续游戏,同时给出一些有用的信息。 比如猜 3654,则给出提示:2A2B, 如果猜 1234,则给出提示:0A2B 3.需要计时,在游戏过程当中及时的显示所用的时间。当游戏结束之后,显示总共用时多少。
1 generates a random four-digit non-repetition of such 3645 (the players do not know this number) 2. Started by the player to guess the figure, each guess once finished, the system gives the corresponding prompt. If you guess right, the game ends. If you guess wrong, to continue the game, and gives some useful information. For example suppose 3654, then give tips: 2A2B, if you guessed 1234, gives tips: 0A2B 3. Need time during the game in which timely display the elapsed time. When the game ends, the display when a total number. (2013-07-01, JavaScript, 1KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] GuessNumberGame

每次游戏程序随机产生一个0-9之间的整数,要求玩家输入自己猜的数字,并对用户输入数字进行检查,进行如下提示:  如果用户猜对了,则提示:恭喜你,猜对了。结束本次游戏。  如果用户猜错了,则提示:你猜的数字太(大或小)了。要求用户继续猜。 如果连续3次没有猜对,则提示:游戏失败。 一次游戏结束时,提示用户是否继续新的游戏,果用户选择继续,则开始新一次游戏,否则输出:你共进行了XXX次游戏,成功XXX次,失败XXX次。然后结束程序运行。 提交要求:打包为可以执行的JAR文档,其中要包含源程序文件。
Each game program randomly generated integer between 0-9 players enter their own guess is, and lets users enter numbers to be checked, the following prompt:  If you guess right, you are prompted: Congratulations on your guess the. The end of the game.  If you guess wrong Tip: Your guess is too (large or small). Require the user to keep guessing. Three times in a row did not guess, you are prompted: Game failed. The end of a game that prompts the user whether to continue the game, if the user choose to continue, start a new game, otherwise the output: XXX game, success XXX times failed XXX. And then end the program. Submission Requirements: packaged as can be performed JAR document, which contains the source file. (2013-04-28, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] snowwhite-game

Snowwhite very afraid of wandering in the forest to find the way out. Roaring beast at her side, she did not hurt. She ran it ran and jumped over the seven mountains, seven crossed the bridge, after dark, she finally came to a small house. So she came home the Seven Dwarfs, they listened to the story Snowwhite very sympathetic to her, said: " If you are willing for us to clean up the house, cooking, laundry, spinning lines, mending clothes, you can stay in here , we will take care of your heart. " Snowwhite very happy to say:" I am very willing. " In this way, the Seven Dwarfs to the mountains every day looking for gold and silver, Snowwhite stay at home while doing some household chores. (2009-05-04, Visual C++, 299KB, 下载9次)


[游戏] block.tar

终端模式下的俄罗斯方块 c写的,终端模式下的俄罗斯方块 支持单人游戏和网络双人游戏 注意,运行前先把窗口最大化 ./block 运行单人模式 ./block server 运行服务器端 ./block client (serverip)运行客客户端 安装步骤: make ./block gcc block.c -o block -lcurses -lpthread
terminal mode of the Russian box c write, Terminal mode of the Russian box support for single games and network games to double, before the first operation to maximize the window./block single mode operation./server running services block All-./block client (serverip) run off client installation steps : make./block block.c gcc-o block-lcurses- lpt hread (2006-12-25, Unix_Linux, 370KB, 下载26次)


[游戏] 推箱子游戏的自动求解

推箱子,又称搬运工,是一个十分流行的单人智力游戏。玩家的任务是在一个仓库中操纵一个搬运工人,将N个相同的箱子推到N个相同的目的地。推箱子游戏出现在计算机中最早起源于1994年台湾省李果兆开发的仓库世家,又名仓库番,箱子只可以推, 不可以拉, 而且一次只能推动一个。它的规则如此简单,但是魅力却是无穷的。但是人毕竟思考的深度和速度有限,我们是否可以利用计算机帮助我们求解呢?
magazines, also known as porters, is one of the most popular single intellectual games. The task of players in a warehouse controlled a stevedore who will be the same as the N box pushed to the same N as a destination. PSP games on the computer which originated in 1994, the Taiwan Provincial Fruit Katherine Lee development of the warehouse family, also known as Fan warehouse, the boxes can only push, not pull, but one can only promote one. Its rules so simple, but the charm is boundless. But, after all, thought the depth and speed are limited, we can use computers to help us solve? (2005-04-26, WORD, 43KB, 下载37次)
