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[Email客户端] Near-By-Pg-s

一个以学生为中心的平台,由HTML、CSS、SQL、JavaScript、React.js和PHP构建,提供附近的PG和酒店信息。它集成了用于电子邮件服务和简历管理的Google API、SMTP和Google Sheets,以满足不同的学生需求。
A student-centric platform, built with HTML, CSS, SQL, JavaScript, React.js, and PHP, offers nearby PG and hotel info. It integrates Google APIs, SMTP, and Google Sheets for email services and resume management, catering to diverse student needs. (2024-03-21, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] TravelGo

Welcome to our premier travel platform! Discover seamless hotel and flight bookings with our user-friendly website. Experience unparalleled convenience and unbeatable deals as you plan your dream gateways. Your journey starts here (2024-02-20, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] poddley

搜索带有youtube视频的播客转录的同步和对齐搜索引擎。Nuxt3前端,Express Prisma pm2 MySQL后端。将WhispherX、wav2vec、feedparser、ffmpeg、meilisearch、github操作、bash脚本与SSH一起用于CICD,并将tailwindcss与tailwind引导网格一起使用。
Search-engine for podcast-transcriptions with accompanying youtube videos, synced and aligned. Nuxt3-frontend, Express Prisma pm2 MySQL-backend. Uses WhispherX, wav2vec, feedparser, ffmpeg, meilisearch, github actions, bash-scripts with SSH for CICD and tailwindcss with tailwind-bootstrap-grid. (2024-01-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ltenmedia

a PHP website majorly designed as an album processor; classing audio podcasts into albums for easy access and grouping. other features include a blog, event and ebooks section( all dynamic). also the admin section where the activities of the site are being monitored and controlled. The site is highly responsive as much as secured (2020-02-10, CSS, 123118KB, 下载0次)


[语音合成] AI-Club

One of the best clubs of VIT Bhopal - The AI Club s website. The frontend of the website is made using html, css, bootstrap framework, javaScript and jQuery. It is a responsive website to start with, further their will be a chunk of modifications with backend and integration to cover all the aspects... (2022-06-26, CSS, 23296KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] quicktravelling

主要功能包括:目的地搜索、详情展示、收藏、点赞、排行以及位置定位。同时,采用PhoneGap开发Hybrid App版。前端,主要利用Bootstrap、jQuery、AJAX、Web Storage、高德地图API等实现主要功能;服...
The main functions include: destination search, detail display, favorites, likes, rankings, and location positioning. At the same time, the Hybrid App version is developed using PhoneGap. The front-end mainly utilizes Bootstrap, jQuery, AJAX, Web Storage, and Gaode Map API to achieve main functions; Server (2016-08-08, CSS, 4438KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] flexbox

重复播放视频系列FlexBox de DO播客:[https:www.youtube.com watch v=2yJEkP2y4nY&list=PLM-Y_YQmEq...](https:www.youtube网站watch v=2 yJEkP2 y4nY&list=PLM-Y_YQm EqBxAQxxNW7J7-BTJdj_Ol3F)
Repo de la serie de vídeos sobre FlexBox de DO Podcast: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yJEkP2y4nY&list=PLM- Y_YQmMEqBxAQxxNW7J7-BTJdj_Ol3F](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yJEkP2y4nY&list=PLM- Y_YQmMEqBxAQxxNW7J7-BTJdj_Ol3F) (2016-11-22, CSS, 652KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] django-hotel

django-hotel,本项目是基于Python Web框架Django技术开发的一套酒店管理系统,系统应用浏览器 服务期(Browser Server)架构。系统主要包括员工用户功能和管理员用户功能两部分。开发员工信息管理、顾客信息管理、会员信息管理、停车...
Django hotel, this project is a hotel management system developed based on the Python web framework Django technology. The system applies a Browser Server architecture. The system mainly includes two parts: employee user function and administrator user function. Develop employee information management, customer information management, member information management, parking (2022-08-24, CSS, 6061KB, 下载0次)
