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[Java编程] podweb

A web podcast player in Java. Project in BDR course., (2023-10-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] 104src-娜娜修改版

冒險島 版本104 服務端源碼 娜娜修改版
Adventure Island version 104 server source code Nana modified version (2020-01-14, Java, 1011KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] qiqiim-server

琪琪IM,简单快捷的IM方案,快速打造在线IM,可用于公司内网、外网通讯,客服系统等,实现了socket,websocket,能和安卓、IOS应用结合使用,可用于任何商业、个人作品中,请保留作者信息,如果项目帮到了您请加个星,文档简陋,后续会不断完善,如有不明白的可以加群 项目使用springmvc mybatis netty4 数据库 mysql 开发环境 eclipse tomcat7 jdk1.7 Java后端和js消息统一采用Google Protobuf传输
Simple and fast IM solution, quickly build online IM, can be used for company intranet, external network communication, customer service system, etc., realize socket, websocket, can be used in combination with Android, IOS applications, can be used in any business, personal works, please retain the author's information, if the project helps you, Please add a star, the document is simple, follow-up. Will continue to improve, if you do not understand can be grouped The project uses spring MVC mybatis netty 4 Database mysql Development environment eclipse Tomcat 7 jdk1.7 Java Backend and JS Message Transfer Using Google Protobuf (2018-12-11, Java, 3188KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] car

具有权限登录,添加管理员,用户,工作人员,并*赋予权限的功能。 使用SSM框架,实现添加汽车图片信息并回显效果。 实现了多种模糊查询,界面使用EasyUI框架。 员工管理,汽车信息管理,客户选车管理等常用功能
With permission login, add administrator, user, staff, and * assign authority function. Use SSM framework to add picture information and display effect. A variety of fuzzy queries are implemented, and the EasyUI framework is used. Staff management, vehicle information management, customer selection vehicle management and other common functions. (2018-05-19, Java, 28629KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] DrinkeryManage

Java programming of a hotel management system, including the entire project (2014-04-08, Java, 799KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] Hotel-Reservation

酒店预订管理系统,spring+jSF,数据库设计 开发前准备工作 登录模块的开发 注册和修改资料 资源列表实现 用户订单功能 管理员登录
Hotel Reservation Management System, register and modify a list of resources to develop spring+jSF, database design and development preparation work orders to implement user login module functionality administrator login (2013-12-11, Java, 7218KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] hotel_manager_system

the combat development java program source code, hotel management source code. (2013-04-11, Java, 1202KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] bingguan

This is a java-based hotel management system, MySQL database (2013-04-07, Java, 10210KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] 003_bear

Based hotel management system in java B/s architecture, beautiful interface (2013-03-08, Java, 942KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] 01_JPA

video for study JPA (2012-01-10, Java, 11012KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] hotel

Jsp-based hotel management system, a simple realization of some functions (2011-06-27, JavaScript, 3313KB, 下载12次)


[Java编程] bobing

Autumn did not do custom game interface Bo cake Fujian (2010-10-18, Java, 7KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] restrant

This is a restaurant a la carte system code (2010-01-12, Java, 3526KB, 下载47次)


[Java编程] webole

博客网站由前台用户操作和后台管理员操作模块组成。其规划功能模块如下:  查看文章 查看文章模块主要实现了查看博主发表的博客文章,并通过该模块可以对博主发表的文章添加评论信息。  查看相片 通过该模块可以查看博主发表的相片全部内容。  查看日志 通过该模块可以查看博主发表的日志的详细内容。  博客文章管理 主要实现了按文章类型添加、修改、删除博客文章功能。  公告管理 主要实现了公告的添加、修改、删除功能。  个人相片设置 主要实现了个人相片的添加、修改、删除功能。  朋友信息管理 主要实现了朋友信息的添加、修改、删除的功能。
a program bout blog . (2009-05-29, Java, 2917KB, 下载9次)


[Java编程] jiudian

酒店点菜界面(简单的)java版 应该会有些或多或少的帮助
Hotel a la carte interface (simple) java version (2009-05-10, Java, 3KB, 下载11次)


[Java编程] AppendixA

musicbox~可以用来聊天同时可以进行通信~ 其中有一个客服端~还有一个用户端~ 载入了音乐组建~可以用来制作midi音乐同时将乐谱的信息发送给对方~ 程序使用时先打开服务器端然后点开客户端~
musicbox ~ can be used to chat at the same time can communicate ~ including a client and a client ~ ~ loading the music can be used to produce the formation of ~ midi music at the same time, scores of information sent to each other ~ the procedure used to open the server client and then point the client to open ~ (2009-01-03, Java, 15KB, 下载32次)


[Java编程] hotel

本源码,用JSP 简单实现了一个酒店管理系统,分为住房申请,客人登记,账目结算,退房等
The source, using a simple JSP realize a hotel management system, into the housing application, the client registration, clearing accounts, check-out, etc. (2008-07-23, JavaScript, 581KB, 下载106次)


[Java编程] chuanzhibokebantanchishe

传志播客版贪吃蛇源码 J2ME
Chuanzhi podcast version of Snake-source J2ME (2008-04-10, Java, 580KB, 下载11次)


[Java编程] MyHotel_Mobile

本系统是移动信息技术在酒店业中的应用之一,能使业者为顾客提供更便捷的服务,其客户端运行于Java ME平台之上。 用户可以通过手机查询各地的酒店信息,可以观看相应的图文和视频,最后可以预订服务,尤其适合外出者使用;本系统业提供会员功能,有积分计划等。 本系统服务端使用Sun Java System Application Server,后台使用Oracle数据库,还使用JSF为注册的酒店业者提供网页管理界面。
err (2008-03-17, Java, 2557KB, 下载14次)


[Java编程] SimpleMultiChat

在一個多人連線伺服器中,我們要有一個伺服端執行緒負責傾聽是否有客戶端連線,如果有客戶端連線,就指派一個客戶端執行緒專門應付這個客戶端連線,並在客戶端佇列中記錄它,然後進入下一個傾聽。 一個客戶端執行緒的工作,就是讀取客戶連線端的使用者輸入訊息,它不負責回應訊息,而是將讀到的訊息加入訊息佇列中,此外在我們的範例中,客戶端執行緒也負責自己的連線狀態,如果使用者中斷連線,客戶端執行緒會負責將自己從客戶端佇列中清除。 廣播執行緒負責取出訊息佇列中的訊息,然後將之一一傳送訊息給客戶端佇列中尚存在的客戶端執行緒。
people in a line server, we have a servo- threads for listening to the client whether there are connections, if a client connections, assigned to a client threads devoted to cope with the client connections, and client sequences recorded it, and then listen to the next one. A client threads job is to read customer-line message to the user input, it is not responsible for responding to the message, but the message will be read by adding message stand out, in addition to our example, the client threads are responsible for their own connected, if the user interruption link, passenger households- threads will be responsible for their own from client sequences removed. Ogata responsible for the implementation of broadcasting the message out sequences of messages, and then one of a relay messa (2006-04-10, Java, 21KB, 下载147次)
