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[前端开发] Podcast

这是一个使用TypeScript、Next.js 13和Sanity构建的播客网站。它采用响应式设计。网站...
This is a podcast website built with TypeScript, Next.js 13, and Sanity. It features a responsive design. The website is fully integrated with the Sanity content management system, allowing for easy editing and updating of podcast episodes and other content (2023-05-13, TypeScript, 685KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] amber-web-app

Amber是一个用于播客平台的简单前端应用程序。Rocketseat的NLW 5实践项目。
Amber is a simple Front-end application for a podcast platform. Practice project from NLW 5 by Rocketseat. (2022-12-14, TypeScript, 888KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] uniterm

Universal Terminal Emulator, might be a great toy terminal front-end for geeks. (2022-12-08, TypeScript, 798KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Enterprise-level-background-management-system

模拟ng-alian,前端框架基于Angular 6.0,使用SASS预编译,UI框架基于蚂蚁金服NG-ZORRO 1.2.0,图表使用基于百度Echarts 4.1.0的ngx-echarts 4.0.0-beta.0版本以及基于蚂...
Simulate ng-alian, the front-end framework is based on Angular 6.0 and pre compiled using SASS. The UI framework is based on Ant Financial NG-ZORRO 1.2.0, and the chart uses ngx eccharts 4.0.0 beta. 0 version based on Baidu Echarts 4.1.0, as well as Macintosh (2018-11-22, TypeScript, 2385KB, 下载0次)
