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[collect] ML_Tools_for_Assisting_ESG_Digital_Transformation

Use digital tools to assist the ESG decision-making of car rental operators! Only basic vehicle information (engine size, cylinder number, vehicle weight) is required to quickly produce customized elimination list, which will effectively simplify decision-making process, simplify manpower, and save data collection time. (2024-03-25, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Investigate-Hotel-Business-Bukalapak

这个项目是我的个人项目,使用来自Rakamain Academy提供的Bukalapak的数据集进行酒店管理。我用Python创建了数据可视化,以从数据集中获得一些见解,这些数据集可以用于安排他们的下一个战略规划。
This project is my personal project about Hospitality using dataset from Bukalapak provided by Rakamain Academy. I created Data Visualisation with Python to get some insight from the dataset that can used for arrange their next strategic planning. (2024-03-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)
