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[加密解密] crypto-exchange-platform

使用 Java Spring Boot 框架開發的後端服務,旨在與 CoinGecko API 交互,從中獲取加密貨幣市場數據,進行數據處理並使用 JPA 存儲到 MySQL 數據庫中。, stars:0, update:2024-05-23 15:29:24 (2024-05-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] -ID-

最新苹果id|美国区id|日本区id |韩国区id|香港区id|国区id|台湾区id|加拿大区id|新加坡区id|海外苹果id服 Apple ID ios 账号及密码大全 国外 小火箭|下载|Shadowrocket共享账号|Quantumult X|圈x 注册
Latest Apple id | American id | Japanese id | Korean id | Hong Kong id | National id | Taiwan id | Canadian id | Singapore id | Overseas Apple id server Apple ID ios account and password Daquan Foreign small rocket | Download | Shadowlocker shared account | Quantumult X | Circle x registration (2023-03-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] RSA-Hotel-San-Tome-e-Principe

最终===>罗卡圣安东尼奥生态小屋酒店最终。Quartos水库。(拉威尔5.8) (2020-06-19, HTML, 110215KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] report

A paper,61 page from Imperial University in London, England ,2009. Looks like a Chinese martial arts student. In which the details of the various aspects of cracking. Basically, theory, software, hardware, and practice can be referred to the implementation. Its list of references is also very rich, covering all the links listed in this post (2020-06-30, Others, 3176KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] SM4_mask

To prevent the differential power analysis attack, SM4 encryption algorithm adds random mask mask disrupted by random correlation result data and power, enabling resistance to differential power analysis attacks. (2016-06-01, Visual C++, 907KB, 下载19次)


[加密解密] hotel-reg

A hotel software Fillmore, the algorithm is very simple, is obtained through reverse. Can only say good luck. We share with everyone (2013-11-27, Delphi, 88KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] SHA-256SecuretyAnalysis

Structural safety research the ras-256hash function, given three sha-256 variant function analysis their attacks against chabaud-joux ability sha-256 structure if belongs to the author, for research purposes only. (2012-11-18, C++, 407KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] rsa

RSA 金鑰 用以下的方式來產生一個公開金鑰和一個私密金鑰: 1. 隨機選擇兩個的質數p和q,p不等於q,計算N=p*q。 2. 選擇一個整數e,e與(p-1)*(q-1)互質,並且e小於(p-1)*(q-1) 。 3. 求一個值 d,d<(p-1)*(q-1),且(d*e)除以((p-1)*(q-1)) 的結果,其餘數為 1。 4. 將p和q的記錄銷毀。
RSA keys in the following way to generate a public key and a private key: 1. Randomly selected two quality numbers p and q, p does not equal q calculate N = p* q. 2 Select an integer e, e (p-1)* (q-1) are relatively prime, and e is less than (p-1)* (q-1). 3. Find a value d, d < (p-1)* (q-1), and (d* e) divided by ((p-1)* (q-1)) of the results, the remaining number of 1. 4 records destruction of p and q. (2012-11-11, Java, 361KB, 下载4次)


[加密解密] prism

The source is the cloud encrypted data retrieval functions, to hide the cloud service provider tenants search request, to protect the tenants privacy. (2012-07-17, Java, 9233KB, 下载6次)


[加密解密] WinEncAndDec

規格: Key產生規則為密碼內容進行sha1後補上四個0做為Triple DES key IV值為密碼內容進行sha1後,前8個byte 加密結果以BASE64格式輸出 如果加解密發生錯誤, 應顯示中文化錯誤訊息
Specifications: Key generated content rules sha1 password supplied in the four 0 values as a Triple DES key IV sha1 password content, the first 8 byte encryption results in BASE64 format output error occurs if the encryption and decryption should be displayed in the culture Error message (2010-06-17, Visual Basic, 66KB, 下载8次)


[加密解密] wenke

Asked passenger is written in VC encryption software, can simply encrypt confidential files to ensure file security. (2010-03-28, Visual C++, 509KB, 下载6次)


[加密解密] softhy609b

信友拼客程序完整版本 如果遇到MD5加密文件,而又不知道的密码的, 请在数据库中换上这组加密的数据吧 469e80d32c0559f8 那么密码就是admin
Nobutomo procedures to fight off the full version if they are MD5 encrypted file, not knowing the password, please put in the database encrypted data for this group it is the admin password so 469e80d32c0559f8 (2007-10-10, ASP, 2008KB, 下载1次)
