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按分类查找酒店行业(156) C#编程(106) 其他(69) Windows编程(57) WEB开发(46) .net编程(45) 游戏(29) 系统/网络安全(28) 企业管理(24) 人工智能/神经网络/深度学习(19) SQL Server(14) 自然语言处理(12) 金融证券系统(11) 网络编程(10) ICQ/即时通讯(10) *行业应用(9) 数据库系统(9) 内容生成(9) collect(9) 网络编程(7) ASP/.NET编程(6) 机器人/智能制造(6) 文章/文档(5) IP电话/视频会议(5) 前端开发(5) 虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR(5) 图形图像处理(4) TCP/IP协议栈(4) 软件设计/软件工程(4) 数学计算(4) 源码/资料(3) 界面编程(3) 数据库编程(3) GDI/图象编程(3) Java编程(3) 代理服务器(3) 嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程(3) Windows Phone(3) 模式识别(视觉/语音等)(3) MySQL数据库(3) 交通/航空行业(3) Web商城(3) 区块链开发(3) Leetcode/题库(3) 电子书籍(2) 其他小程序(2) 图形图象(2) 数值算法/人工智能(2) Web服务器(2) 搜索引擎(2) 流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4(2) 对话框与窗口(2) 视频捕捉采集剪辑(2) 操作系统开发(2) 其他嵌入式/单片机内容(2) GIS/地图编程(2) 3D图形编程(2) matlab编程(2) 其他游戏(2) JavaScript/JQuery(2) 微信小程序(2) MongoDB(2) Docker(2) 数据采集/爬虫(2) 快速开发平台(2) 微服务(2) 托管/部署(2) hotest(2) 调试/Bug(2) 项目管理(2) 开发工具(2) 多媒体编程(1) OpenGL(1) 系统编程(1) Internet/IE编程(1) 通讯编程(1) 通讯编程(1) 加密解密(1) 多国语言处理(1) 磁盘编程(1) 语音合成(1) Ftp服务器(1) Ftp客户端(1) DVD(1) xml/soap/webservice(1) 书籍源码(1) 文件操作(1) 教育系统应用(1) 邮电通讯系统(1) OA办公系统(1) Oracle数据库(1) 单片机开发(1) 数据结构(1) 游戏引擎(1) Windows CE(1) 软件工程(1) 百货/超市行业(1) GPS编程(1) Ajax(1) SilverLight(1) 
按平台查找All C#(880) 

[其他] trx-converter

Visual Studio テスト結果ファイル (.trx) を CSVファイルに変換するツール
Visual Studio special results (. trx) CSV (2023-11-24, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Hotel-Booking-System

Hotel Booking System by C#, (2023-10-21, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] CyberWest

赛博西部是一款使用Unity构建的2D platformer,在Simmer IO rewind 2020上大放异彩,玩家可以穿上赛博朋克牛仔的鞋子...,
Featured on Simmer IO rewind 2020, Cyberwest is a 2D platformer built using Unity, where players step into the shoes of a cyberpunk cowboy to patrol the streets (2022-06-09, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] UltraCyber

A competitive local-multiplayer vertical scroller. Also cyberpunk., (2017-12-02, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Hotell567

AsiKarikas 2023酒店客房预订申请
Hotel room reservation application for AsiKarikas 2023 (2023-02-20, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] reservoom

一个简单的酒店预订系统,演示WPF MVVM基础知识。,
A simple hotel reservation system demonstrating WPF MVVM fundamentals., (2023-06-15, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Unity-TouhouSTG

My first unity project, a horizontal scroll shooting game.(东方同人横板射击游戏)
My first unity project, a horizontal scroll shooting game (Oriental Tongren horizontal board shooting game) (2023-02-23, C#, 88221KB, 下载0次)


[] AutoOpenCAK

可以让你绕过类akebi的注入器的原神检测,进程保护,修复启动异常,一键切换中国服,b服,国际服,兼容3dm模型修改工具 ,兼容账号切换工具,兼容过检测方式的原生启动的工具 Allows you to bypass Akebi-lik...
It allows you to bypass the Genshin Impact detection of akebi like injectors, process protection, repair startup exceptions, switch between Chinese servers, b servers, international servers, 3dm model modification tools, account switching tools, and native startup tools that are compatible with the detection mode Allows you to bypass Akebi lik (2023-05-28, C#, 28KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] YXC_Oracle_Project

Hotel Customer Management System (2019-06-26, C#, 70566KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] hotel

Now domestic and foreign hotels have begun to combine the traditional mode with the modern Internet mode of operation, forming an independent hotel management system. However, due to economic constraints, small hotels need a simple, flexible and economical hotel management system. Based on this premise, this paper develops a management system suitable for small hotels. The system adopts MVC mode. Four functional modules including room service, bath service, catering management and system management are realized to weaken the shortcomings of artificial hotel management mode, information statistics delay and low security. (2021-02-16, C#, 2563KB, 下载0次)


[C#编程] 宾馆管理系统

馆管理系统 编辑 宾馆管理系统一般包含预定接待、帐务处理、客房中心、报表中心等功能模块。宾馆管理系统优秀的酒店管理软件能显著地提高酒店的服务水平和工作效率,规范酒店的业务流程,帮助酒店管理者及时、全面地了解经营信息,做出更加准确的决策,从而有效地提高酒店的经营效益。
Editor of library management system Hotel management system generally includes booking reception, account processing, room center, report center and other functional modules. The excellent hotel management software of the hotel management system can significantly improve the service level and work efficiency of the hotel, standardize the business process of the hotel, help the hotel managers to understand the operation information in a timely and comprehensive manner, and make more accurate decisions, so as to effectively improve the operating efficiency of the hotel (2020-05-14, C#, 14436KB, 下载4次)


[游戏] BoBing-Game

BoBing Game (2015-03-28, C#, 36KB, 下载7次)


[酒店行业] kysc-Hotel-Management-System

酒店管理系统 , CS结构的, 学习用
Hotel management system, CS structure, learning to use (2014-12-03, C#, 4278KB, 下载12次)


[酒店行业] canyinguanlixitong

Hotel and catering management system, c# prepared, you can refer to. (2013-07-15, C#, 2648KB, 下载3次)


[酒店行业] hotelSystem

酒店管理系统采用visual studio2010进行实现,系统采用B/S模式,结合数据库技术,实现了员工管理、客房管理、餐饮管理、货存管理、财务管理等功能,酒店管理系统使用了更加有效的信息化管理手段,
Hotel management system using visual studio2010 be achieved, the system uses B/S mode, combined with database technology, the staff management, hotel management, catering management, Inventory Management, financial management and other functions, the hotel management system uses a more effective information management tools, (2013-05-22, C#, 2284KB, 下载7次)


[酒店行业] hotel-system

It s just a demo (2013-05-13, C#, 1789KB, 下载9次)


[3D图形编程] Wpf_desk

3DS MAX建模 wpf控制的桌子 添加了材质 灯光等效果
3DS MAX modeling WPF control table and add a material light effect (2013-04-19, C#, 801KB, 下载27次)


[C#编程] jdglxt

通过c# winform写的酒店管理系统 通过mvc模式写的哦
Written by c# winform hotel management system through the mvc pattern written by oh (2010-03-11, C#, 2970KB, 下载84次)


[企业管理] VCSDB

《Visual C#.NET数据库开发经典案例解析》的配套光盘,包含进销存管理系统、人力资源管理系统、生产管理系统、财务管理系统、图书馆管理系统、酒店管理系统、医院管理系统、教务管理系统。
"Visual C#.NET Database Development classic case analysis "matching discs, including inventory management systems, human resources management systems, production management systems, financial management system, library management system, hotel management system, the system of hospital management, educational administration system. (2006-03-27, C#, 19127KB, 下载3328次)


[Windows编程] DisplacementFilters_src

C# programming language to write the Displacement filter, do flip, water ripple effects like (2005-05-13, C#, 38KB, 下载176次)
