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[Java编程] toutiao

类头条资讯网站集成评论,点赞,站内通知信等功能。采用SpringBoot + MyBatis + Redis的大体框架完成
The website integrates the functions of comments, likes and on-site notification letters. The framework of springboot + mybatis + redis is adopted (2020-12-15, Java, 76342KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] lianliankan

This is a mini-game of Lianliankan. The interface is clear and clear. It starts with three random scrambling of fruit positions and three automatic elimination functions. You can change the background picture and fruit map at will, and replace it with the picture you want. (2020-03-21, Java, 4033KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] print

This is my own Demo based on the demo of Jiabo printer. I'm afraid I'll forget it later. I can check it regularly every day when I put it here. (2019-08-14, Java, 6547KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] 源码

冒险岛079服务端源码DD079 ((MapleStory ver079 server OD))
((MapleStory ver079 server OD)) (2019-06-26, Java, 2817KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] 2

模拟酒店房间管理系统,需要如下几个功能: 1、1 in 房间号 客人名字 入住功能 1、2 out 房间号 退房功能 1、3 search 房间号 查询房间状态 如果房间号为-1 则输出所有房间状态 1、4 quit 或 exit 退出
Simulated Hotel Room Management System (2019-03-27, Java, 1KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] Micro guest interactive system

By using Java programming language to connect MySQL database, a simple micro guest interaction system is implemented to achieve communication between teachers and classmates. (2018-04-15, Java, 265KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] [ItcastBBS论坛系统].ItcastBBS_myeclipse_src

BBS forum project based on SSH (2017-10-28, Java, 19985KB, 下载18次)


[Java编程] DrinkeryManage(jiudian)

Hotel sales management system of Java development project.Jar, a project, including the front desk, backstage management, personnel management, sales and other modules. (2014-11-16, Java, 2452KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] Java

开发语言Java ,系统架构 Struts + hibernate + spring ,数据库Mysql4.0 ,应用服务器Tomcat6.0 ,实现一个酒店管理系统从后台到前台的完整功能。
Development language Java, system architecture Struts+ hibernate+ spring, database Mysql4.0, application servers Tomcat6.0, the realization of a hotel management system from the back to the front of the full functionality. (2013-12-19, Java, 3805KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] Codejia.com_de

CMS4J网站内容管理系统 v2010:所需环境 JAVA 运行库: JDK 1.5.0 WEB 服 务 器: Tomcat 5.5 数据库服务器: MySQL 5.0
CMS4J website content management system v2010: the environment needed to the JAVA run the library: JDK 1.5.0 WEB server: Tomcat 5.5 is a database server: MySQL 5.0 (2012-09-24, Java, 31119KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] [HotelReservaO

一个用java编写的hotelreservation程序。可以根据客客户的要求预订不同的房间,check in and check out等功能。
[Original] hotelreservation written a java program. According to the customer the customer' s requirements can book a different room, the check in and the check out function. (2012-08-12, Java, 10KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] Z-BlogInsatll

服务器:Windows 2000及IIS5.0以上,需要ADO数据库、FSO、XMLDOM等系统组件支持和空间的读写权限,具体请咨询网络服务商是否支持Z-Blog安装和运行。 客户端:支持FireFox、IE 6.0、Opear、Chrome、Safari及更高版本的浏览器。客户端浏览器需要启用JavaScript脚本支持。
服务器:Windows 2000及IIS5.0以上,需要ADO数据库、FSO、XMLDOM等系统组件支持和空间的读写权限,具体请咨询网络服务商是否支持Z-Blog安装和运行。 客户端:支持FireFox、IE 6.0、Opear、Chrome、Safari及更高版本的浏览器。客户端浏览器需要启用JavaScript脚本支持。 (2012-05-05, Java, 806KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] ambow_ects

Jsp, Servlet and Hibernate e-commerce site, write in the anbow training to achieve the basic functions of online transactions. Can be used as entry-level JSP code to learn. (2012-03-11, Java, 9555KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] jmsSpring

jms+Spring(Apache MQ)实现的JMS消息存储转发项目,(2010上海世博会能源馆中项目)
jms+ Spring (Apache MQ) to achieve the JMS message store and forward the project, (2010 Shanghai World Expo Hall in energy projects) (2011-08-10, Java, 9KB, 下载22次)


[Java编程] richportal

RichPortal是ServiceRich.com推出的一款国内优秀的企业门户CMS系统,具有强大的自定义功能: ·可自定义企业名称; ·随时修改企业简介,页面可自由设计; ·可随时修改企业服务热线、传真、备案号; ·提供QQ客服支持; ·可自己设置SEO关键字,提高自己企业网站在百度、google、有道、搜搜的搜索的知名度; ·可随时更改发布联系方式; ·灵活设置企业信息,一次更改,网站各出现处统一同步; ·支持外部系统链接绑定,可接入自己内部系统,企业邮局,或者论坛,或其他企业各系统; ·可灵活设计购买流程页面; ·可灵活发布自己的企业服务项目; ·支持产品分类管理,产品介绍信息页面支持灵活设计; ·可灵活设计发布企业产品应用的经典案例; ·支持公司动态新闻管理,可随时发布企业动态信息、产品更新信息等; ·对产品资料提供上传下载平台; ·客户如果有问题不仅可通过QQ客服和QQ使用交流群获得帮助,也可通过客户“咨询台"功能咨询; ·对客户常见问题,提供对常见问题的归纳发布平台; ·除此之外,还提供企业文章发布平台,允许企业发布有关企业的相关信息。
RichPortal is ServiceRich.com the launch of a domestic good enterprise portal CMS system with powerful customization features: * Can be customized corporate name * Subject to change Introduction, page free design * Subject to change company service hotline, fax, filing number * Customer support available QQ * Can set up their own SEO keywords, improve their corporate website in Baidu, google, tactics, Soso search visibility * Subject to change release contact information Flexible set of enterprise information, a change, the site of the occurrence of a unified synchronization Support for external links binding system can access their own internal systems, business offices, or forums, or other enterprises of the system * The flexibility to design buying process page * The flexibility to publish their own business services • Support Product Management, Product information page supports flexible design * The flexibility to de (2011-08-03, Java, 4115KB, 下载22次)


[Java编程] hotelmanager

This is a hotel management system, the system uses a jsp+ servlet pattern to write, and I hope Members can express their views. (2010-03-19, Java, 7330KB, 下载21次)


[Java编程] war3

这是一个纯java写的魔兽对战平台.不抓包.原理非常简单. 可以聊天,可以发布自己的魔兽主机.有人建立主机或者人满了也会有声音提示. 主机是自动发布的,不需要客服端搜索。 也不需要连、接转。整个过程就是一个局域网!!!让联机的效率最高! 学习网络编程.非常好! 里面有许多注释.应该能看懂.
This is a pure java write Warcraft Battle platform. Not Ethereal. Principle is very simple. You can chat, you can publish your own Warcraft host. It was the establishment of the host or person will also have full voice prompt. Host is automatically released, and not customer service side need to search. Do not need company, then turn. The whole process is a local area network! ! ! So that the most efficient on-line! Learning network programming. Very good! Which there are many comments. Should be able to read and understand. (2009-10-28, Java, 1114KB, 下载102次)


[Java编程] 04_ZhangjavaMail

04_传智播客张孝祥java邮件开发_邮件协议总结与邮件服务器的工作原理 需要的朋友可以下下来学习下
04_ Chi Chuan Zhang Xiaoxiang java podcasts _ e-mail protocol e-mail summing up the development of e-mail server with the working principle (2009-06-23, Java, 10645KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] aoisrc25

A Java language using three-dimensional modeling and rendering software, you can create high-quality with a realistic three-dimensional model. It is easy to use, can the effect of texture and materials, such as editing, you can produce realistic images. (2007-10-04, Java, 4764KB, 下载49次)


[Java编程] Java进销存

a larger java Invoicing System, with a strong practical value (2006-02-21, Java, 19746KB, 下载938次)
