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[collect] Radio-discord-Bot-247

24-7 Radio Discord Bot是一款强大且用户友好的机器人,旨在提升Discord服务器上的音频体验。该项目专注于提供不间断的24-7音频流,允许用户欣赏各种广播电台,包括音乐、播客和其他音频内容。
The 24 7 Radio Discord Bot is a robust and user-friendly bot designed to elevate the audio experience on Discord servers. With a focus on providing uninterrupted 24 7 audio streaming, this project allows users to enjoy a wide variety of radio stations, including music, podcasts, and other audio content. (2024-03-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] ML_Tools_for_Assisting_ESG_Digital_Transformation

Use digital tools to assist the ESG decision-making of car rental operators! Only basic vehicle information (engine size, cylinder number, vehicle weight) is required to quickly produce customized elimination list, which will effectively simplify decision-making process, simplify manpower, and save data collection time. (2024-03-25, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Investigate-Hotel-Business-Bukalapak

这个项目是我的个人项目,使用来自Rakamain Academy提供的Bukalapak的数据集进行酒店管理。我用Python创建了数据可视化,以从数据集中获得一些见解,这些数据集可以用于安排他们的下一个战略规划。
This project is my personal project about Hospitality using dataset from Bukalapak provided by Rakamain Academy. I created Data Visualisation with Python to get some insight from the dataset that can used for arrange their next strategic planning. (2024-03-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Hackathon-Computer-Vision-2022

我的团队在2022年CBRE Hackathon比赛中获得了评委会评选奖。我们训练了一个混合CNN模型来预测房价。该模型是根据谷歌地球(Google Earth)的图像和其他公开数据(如酒店与顶级餐厅的距离)进行训练的。
My team won Jury s Pick award at CBRE Hackathon 2022. We trained a hybrid CNN model to predict housing prices. The model is trained on images from Google Earth and other publicly available data like a property s distance from top rated restaurants. (2024-02-06, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] hotel-management

A landing page (website) and management system for small-scale hotel operations with ability to manage track revenue in short-term and long-term stays, email reservation confirmations, generate financial reports, as well as track housekeeping operations and maintenance logs for multiple motels with more features to come in the future! (2024-01-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Keyword-Search-for-Sign-Language

博济大学提供的特别项目(EE 491-492)课程的高级设计项目,题为“手语关键词搜索”。
Senior design project titled "Keyword Search for Sign Language" for the Special Project (EE 491-492) courses offered by Bo azi i University. (2024-01-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Keyword-Search-for-Sign-Language

博济大学提供的特别项目(EE 491-492)课程的高级设计项目,题为“手语关键词搜索”。
Senior design project titled "Keyword Search for Sign Language" for the Special Project (EE 491-492) courses offered by Bo azi i University. (2024-01-15, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] BookEase-Client

BookEase is a hotel booking website where user can book room.Only authorized user can book room an review room. User can only review the room they have booked. Users review will be publicly available any authorized or unauthorized user can see the review and user image. (2023-12-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] kws-sign-language

博济大学提供的特别项目(EE 491-492)课程的高级设计项目,题为“手语关键词搜索”。
Senior design project titled "Keyword Search for Sign Language" for the Special Project (EE 491-492) courses offered by Bo azi i University. (2023-11-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] web-terminal

欢迎来到 Web- terminal!这是一款为程序员打造的最酷的浏览器主页!本项目灵感来自于Github大佬鱼皮的极客范的yuindex项目,如有需要,请自行在Github上搜索yuindex查看即可
Welcome to Web terminal! This is the coolest browser homepage for programmers! This project is inspired by the geek yuindex project of Github Big Man s fish skin. If you need it, please search yuindex on Github (2023-10-25, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] burger_queen_api

Api con Node.js para un restaurante a través del cual se puedan tomar pedidos usando una平板电脑,y enviarlos a la cocina para que se preparen en forma ordenada。Este proyecto tiene dosáreas:interfaz(客户)y API(服务商)。
Api con Node.js para un restaurante a través del cual se puedan tomar pedidos usando una tablet, y enviarlos a la cocina para que se preparen en forma ordenada. Este proyecto tiene dos áreas: interfaz (cliente) y API (servidor). (2023-10-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] DEV004-burger-queen-api-client

Sistema para un restaurante a través del cual se puedan tomar pedidos usando una片剂,y enviarlos a la cocina para que se preparen en forma ordenada。Este proyecto tiene dosáreas:interfaz(客户)y API(服务商)。
Sistema para un restaurante a través del cual se puedan tomar pedidos usando una tablet, y enviarlos a la cocina para que se preparen en forma ordenada. Este proyecto tiene dos áreas: interfaz (cliente) y API (servidor). (2023-10-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Sistema_medicion_de_rodamientos-SMR

Proyecto para finalización de carrera intenieria electrónica en UTN Haedo。Se implementation o un sisma que es capaz de detectar fallas por medio del esectro audible hasta los 20kHz segun las normas de SKF实现了检测能力下降到20 kHz。Se utilizo un ESP32 para el prototipo,en con una RasberryPI 400 como服务商。
Proyecto para finalización de carrera ingenieria electrónica en UTN Haedo. Se implemento un sistema que es capaz de detectar fallas por medio del espectro audible hasta los 20kHz segun las normas de SKF. Se utilizo un ESP32 para el prototipo, en conjunto con una RasberryPI 400 como servidor. (2023-09-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] backtestool

This stock trading strategy backtesting tool is a Python based desktop application that uses Tkinter graphical user interface and pandas data processing library to simulate and test the performance of stock trading strategies. By using yfinance to obtain historical stock price data, it enables users to load stock data, select trading strategies, set initial investment amount and leverage ratio, and obtain transaction backtesting results and relevant transaction charts. (2023-08-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] loopRRR

loopRRR is an application hosted on expo that aims to encourage individuals to build a habit of recycling by rewarding points to spend on raffles or donate to charities. It uses vision AI to identify items, and recommends users on whether to recycle, donate, or make something cool. It also uses Augmented Reality to make recycling fun! (2021-08-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WebcamWidgetsSylt

网络摄像头小工具Sylt ist eine App für den HomeScreen vom iPhone,die Live-Bilder und Live Streams von der wundervollen Nordsee Insel Sylt und von anderen Locations zeigt。Zu sehen sind unter anderem die Bilder der WebCam vom Kampen的Rungholt酒店,vom Quermarkenfuer bei Kliffende,von der Autoverladung am Autozug Sylt穿梭机和von den F hr...
Webcam Widgets Sylt ist eine App für den HomeScreen vom iPhone, die Live-Bilder und Live-Streams von der wundervollen Nordsee-Insel Sylt und von anderen Locations zeigt. Zu sehen sind unter anderem die Bilder der WebCam vom Hotel Rungholt in Kampen, vom Quermarkenfeuer bei Kliffende, von der Autoverladung am Autozug Sylt-Shuttle und von den (2023-07-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] FSCalendar-master

Calendar日历控件(;CalendarDateView;StickyCalendar;渐变效果;开始时间和结束时间,如订酒店选时等) 日历一: 这个日历是用ListView写的,是上下滑动,按需求要求还需要有选择开始时间和结束时间,所以在GitHub上找并在此基础上修...,
Calendar calendar control (; CalendarDateView; StickyCalendar; gradient effect; start time and end time, such as hotel reservation time selection) Calendar 1: This calendar is written in ListView, which is sliding up and down. You also need to select start time and end time as required, so find and repair it on GitHub, (2017-12-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
