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[Java编程] Netty-study

Netty 4 的一些技术栈示例代码并辅以博文讲解。主要包括入门的demo,粘包和拆包解决办法,心跳测试,http服务的实现,client重连机制,TCP滑动窗口、protobuf协议传输等相关技术。,
Some example codes of Netty 4 s technology stack are explained with blog posts. It mainly includes entry-level demo, solutions for sticking and unpacking packets, heartbeat test, implementation of http services, client reconnection mechanism, TCP sliding window, protobuf protocol transmission and other related technologies., (2022-10-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] Shop

The use of jsp+servlet and Ajax to achieve a simple online mall project, its functions include: adding shopping cart, submitting orders, paging display goods, automatic login, user registration and so on, the basic functions of the business city (2018-04-02, Java, 27180KB, 下载9次)


[Java编程] 代码

This is what I was doing in the podcast training program, the national power project. The code is very full and can run. In order to share with those who are going to participate in the graduation project, or need to study (2017-10-11, Java, 39467KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] Aganda

基于 RMI 的分布式议程服务,使用 Java RMI 构建一个分布式议程服务(agenda service)。不同的客户应能连接 到这一共享的议程服务,并查询、添加和删除议程中的会晤(meeting)安排。服 务程序应具备新用户注册、清除某一用户所有会晤安排等管理功能。
Distributed agenda service based on RMI, using Java RMI to construct a distributed agenda service (agenda service). Different customers should be able to connect to the shared agenda of services, and the query, add and delete the meeting agenda (meeting) arrangement. Service program should have the new user registration, a user to remove all the meeting arrangements and other management functions. (2014-12-05, Java, 392KB, 下载12次)


[Java编程] HotelRoomManager

【酒店前台客房管理程序】HotelRoomManagement.java 某酒店有12层楼,每层楼有10个房间,要求为该酒店设计一套简单的前台房间管理程序, 该程序可以通过在命令行输入命令来为客人办理入住和退房手续。 要求该程序支持通过命令行输入以下命令来进行入住,退房及查询的操作: (1)search():查询所有房间的状态 empty (2)in(房间号码 姓名):客人入住 命令:in 请输入客人入住的房间号 1202 请输入入住1202房间的顾客的姓名 parker 提示:姓名为parker的客人入住1202房间 (3)out(房间号码):客人退房 命令:out 1202 提示:1202房间退房 注意:如果某个房间已经有客人入住,在办理入住时,将提示“该房间已有客人入住” (4)quit:退出程序
[Reception room management program] HotelRoomManagement.java a hotel has 12 floors, each floor has 10 rooms, requiring a simple design of the hotel' s reception room management program that can enter commands at the command line as Guests check-in and check-out. Requirements The program supports command line, type the following command to perform check-out and check the operation: (1) search (): Query status of all rooms empty (2) in (room number, name): guests Command: in please Enter the room number of guests stay 1202 1202 Please enter the customer' s name parker Room Tip: The name is parker guests 1,202 rooms (3) out (room number): Upon checking out of order: out 1202 Tip: Check out Room 1202 Note : If a room has guests at check-in, it will prompt " the room had guests" (4) quit: quit the program (2013-07-02, Java, 6KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] dasein-cloud-master

Dasein Cloud是一个用Java开发的开源云服务抽象层,遵循Apache v2.0协议。它帮助开发者构建能在不同云上运行的通用应用。它提供了针对大多数IaaS和部分PaaS的抽象模型,基于此模型开发,应用在运行时就能转换为相应的云服务商模型。
Dasein Cloud is developed using Java open source cloud service abstraction layer, follow the Apache v2.0 protocol. It helps developers build general-purpose applications that can run on a different cloud. It provides an abstract model for the most IaaS and part of PaaS developed based on this model, an application at run time can be converted to the corresponding cloud service provider model. (2013-03-19, Java, 125KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] source

Various practical system source code, student achievement management system, school library control management system, when the personal address book information, personnel management system, network Chinese Chess, LAN Battle City, online mall, hotel reservation system (2011-11-06, Java, 22279KB, 下载39次)


[Java编程] boke

基于JSP的播客系统,运行在jdk1.6+tomcat 6.0环境下,可以上传及播放flv格式的flash文件,系统分前后台,源码中包括数据库文件,附加到sql server2000下即可。可供学习jsp的初学者学习使用。
JSP-based podcast system, may upload and play flv format flash file system before and after sub-units, source code, including database files, can be attached to the under sql server2000. (2011-08-06, Java, 9181KB, 下载9次)


[Java编程] information-

实现功能如下: 1:管理员登录功能(MD5 加密) 2:实现了免费信息 和付费信息的发布 必须通过管理员的审核才能够显示到网页上 3:免费的信息一个账户只能够发送5条信息 3:设置了主页面,主页面中可以查询到相关的广告 也可以收藏改页面 4:客服可以对信息进行检索,显示的结果以分页的形式展现在网页中 使用到的知识: 1:mvc 模式,数据库 Oracle的操作 2: Java基础知识 3: html+xml+jsp+javascript+servlet
To achieve the following functions: 1: administrator login feature (MD5 encryption) 2: to achieve a free release of information and payment information must be reviewed by the administrator to be able to show to the web 3: the free one account can only send information 5 Information 3: Set the main page, main page, you can query to the relevant collection of ads you can change the page 4: Support for retrieval of the information, display the form results page in the Web page used to show knowledge: 1: mvc pattern, the operation of Oracle Database 2: Java Basics 3: html+ xml+ jsp+ javascript+ servlet (2011-05-30, Java, 6972KB, 下载273次)



flex+ssh的可以运行的代码 不是我做到 是我收藏的 供大家参考 禁止用于商业用途 flex hibernate spring json struts 2 flex4 flex3 actionscript
flex+ ssh code can be run is not what I do for your reference of my collection for commercial purposes prohibited flex hibernate spring json struts 2 flex4 flex3 actionscript (2011-01-24, Java, 7554KB, 下载175次)


[Java编程] MyJavaText

用二维数组记录房间管理信息 search all:查询所有房间的状态 in 1202 tangliang:姓名为tangliang的客人入住1202房间 out 1202:1202房间退房 quit:退出程序 说明: 1)该习题主要考察的知识点:控制台输入、循环控制、数组的使用,方法调用等。 2)酒店房间的状态可以用一个二维数组来存放,如果有客人已经入住,则存放该客人的姓名,如果没有客人入住,则存放null值。
Room with a two-dimensional array of records management information (2010-11-16, Java, 38KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] HotelManagementSystem

客房预订系统(实现)查询30天以内客房预订一览表,以及可售客房数,可查询某间客房的预订情况 前台接待系统(实现)接待客户,可查询预订客房、可售客房,对入住的客户进行入住登记、客户信息登记 前台收银系统 对客户的消费进行记录,在客户退房时进行消费结算 管家系统 对客房情况进行管理 总经理系统(实现) 对客房、客单情况进行查询和统计,为管理和决策提供支持 登陆系统 对系统提供用户管理
HotelManagementSystem (2010-10-21, Java, 16182KB, 下载39次)


[Java编程] 2

Personal information management system, this is the course design is the background JAVA+ MYSQL database, as long as you can run into the database (2009-06-04, Java, 1757KB, 下载282次)


[Java编程] java_ttplayer_src

Java copied thousands of listening music player source code, interface super-beautiful, concise code. Compile-time need to open Eclipse and import the source package directory do the necessary library files. (2009-05-16, Java, 3366KB, 下载119次)


[Java编程] javahotel

Sunshine Hotel Management System, based on JAVA. Contains a relatively complete design documents and design specifications and user requirements book. The system s main functions include billing groups, individual billing, guests checkout, room reservations, system settings, network settings, business inquiries, customer management. (2008-12-17, Java, 4957KB, 下载85次)


[Java编程] j_12162_cz_els

简介:传智播客版《贪吃蛇游戏开发》视频包括16小节: 01_游戏功能演示与说明 02_游戏中的面向对象分析与设计 03_使用传智播客提供的API类组装贪吃蛇游戏 04_编写贪吃蛇游戏中的各个类的主体框架性代码 05_编写Controler类与实现蛇移动的事件监听 06_编写对各个类进行测试的程序代码 07_蛇的数据结构设计与移动显示 08_测试与修正蛇的移动与显示问题 09_排除蛇的相反方向与无效方向的按键问题 10_编写与测试表示食物的类 11_完成蛇吃食物的相关代码 12_为游戏增加作为障碍物的石头 13_为蛇增加吃到石头而死掉的功能 14_解决食物与石头蛇身重叠的问题 15_为蛇增加吃到蛇身而死掉的功能 16_贪吃蛇游戏开发练习题
err (2008-08-20, Java, 242KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] MeyboMailWeb

MeyboMail Web(脉博邮件系统客户端)是一个纯Java编写的,基于B/S模式的邮件系统客户端软件,系统表示层使用easyjf.com(简易java框架)的 EasyJWeb框架开发,主要通过调用java mail实现邮件的收发。MeyboMail Web主要配合MeyboMail Server(脉博邮件服务器系统)使用,MeyboMail Server是使用Java编写,可以运行在任何支持Java的服务器系统平台。拥有自主知识产权的邮件服务器系统软件,系统实现了POP3,ESMTP 等邮件协议,支持服务器群集,可以运行在多台服务器上。
MeyboMail Web (pulse client mail system) is a pure Java prepared, based on B/S mode mail system client software, systems that use layer easyjf.com (simple java framework) EasyJWeb framework development, mainly by calling java the realization of e-mail to send and receive mail. MeyboMail Web mainly with MeyboMail Server (pulse mail server system) to use, MeyboMail Server is to use Java to prepare, you can run in any of the server system to support the Java platform. Their own intellectual property rights of the mail server system software, the system achieved a POP3, ESMTP, such as e-mail agreement, in support of the server cluster, you can run on multiple servers. (2008-06-13, Java, 2408KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] com.felyxiu.www.storage

一个用java写的仓库管理系统,页面全部用ajax 异步刷新,对想研究JQury 是个不错的选择
Using java to write a warehouse management system, all pages using ajax asynchronous refresh of JQury would like to study is a good choice (2008-05-22, Java, 6666KB, 下载1285次)


[Java编程] javaC_S

吐血共享了。。。这个是还没在互联网上公布的代码。第一次发放。 本系统提供普通二星级酒店的必要功能,可动态的进行与房间信息相关的所有操作,对于宾客,可执行散客和团体开单两种方式,可为宾客预定房间,可为不同的宾客设置不能种类房间的折扣及其优惠设置,本系统可动态显示当前所有房间的信息。 整个程序用MyEclipse制作完成。在JDK1.5环境下运行通过。数据库环境为:SqlServer2000+SP4 运用到的技术: 1.基于MVC设计模式 2.配置文件的读取。 3.线程操作 4.接口 5.Swing事件处理 6.实现了类似QQ的滑动菜单 7.程序读取画面 运用到的东西我就不再说了。压缩包中有全套的说明文档(包括需求说明,详细设计说明,数据库设计文档,用户手册)。数据库也在包里 (2007-09-14, Java, 3432KB, 下载368次)


[Java编程] Beauty

This is a barber shop management system that can be of interest to a friend under say that the system is mainly a function of queuing customers (2007-04-22, Java, 2080KB, 下载258次)
